The Toothless Wonder

Last night when I was sound asleep,
My little brother Keith
Tiptoed into my bedroom
And pulled out all my teeth.

You’d think that I would be upset
And jump and spit and swear.
You’d think that I would tackle Keith
And pull out all his hair.

But no!   I’m glad he did it.
So what if people stare.
Now, thanks to the Tooth Fairy,
I’ll be a millionaire!

Copyright Credit: Phil Bolsta, “The Toothless Wonder” from Kids Pick the Funniest Poems, edited by Bruce Lansky (Minnetonka, Minn.: Meadowbrook Press, 1991). Copyright © 1991 by Phil Bolsta. Reprinted with the permission of the author.
Source: Kids Pick the Funniest Poems (1991)