Cathy Tagnak Rexford
Poet and playwright Cathy Tagnak Rexford was born in Alaska and is of Inupiaq, French, German, and English descent. She earned an MFA from the University of British Columbia, where she is currently pursuing a PhD. Grounded in photography and lyric documentary, her poetry has appeared in various anthologies. Her chapbook Black Ice appeared in Effigies: An Anthology of New Indigenous Writing, Pacific Rim (2009), and individual poems have appeared in Ahani: Indigenous American Poetry (2007) and To Topos Poetry International (1999). She is the author of A Crane Story (illustrated by Sini Salminen, 2013). Her plays include The Namesake and, with Challen Wilson, The Winter Overture; Rexford also works on short films. She has received fellowships from the First Peoples House of Learning and the Rasmuson Foundation.