Garry Gottfriedson

B. 1954

Poet, teacher, and rancher Garry Gottfriedson is a member of the Secwepemc First Nation. Born into a renowned rodeo and ranching family in Kamloops, British Columbia, Gottfriedson earned an MA in education from Simon Fraser University; he also studied creative writing at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

His works include Clinging to Bone (2019); Chaos Inside Thunderstorms (2014); Skin Like Mine (2010); Whiskey Bullets (2006), a collection of cowboy and Indian heritage poems and a finalist for the Anskohk Aboriginal Award; Glass Tepee (2002), which was nominated for a First People’s Publishing Award; In Honor of Our Grandmothers: Imprints of Cultural Survival (1994); and 100 Years of Contact (1990). He is also the author of the children’s book Painted Pony (2005).

Gottfriedson teaches at the Chief Atahm School.