John Reibetanz

Born in New York City, poet John Reibetanz earned a BA in English from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, and an MA and a PhD in English language and literature from Princeton University. He is the author of numerous books of poetry, including By Hand (2019), Afloat (2013), Transformations (2006), Near Relations (2005), Mining for Sun (2000), and Ashbourn (1986), as well as the critical study The Lear World (1977). His poetry has been included in several anthologies, such as The Signal Anthology: Contemporary Canadian Poetry (1993) and Aurora: New Canadian Writing (1978). In 2017, The Essential John Reibetanz, edited by Jeffery Donaldson, was published.
Reibetanz won first prize in the 2003 Petra Kenney Poetry Competition and was a finalist for a 1995 National Magazine Award. A member of the League of Canadian Poets, he teaches at the University of Toronto and lives in Toronto with his family.