Neal Levin

Headshot of poet Neal Levin in front of a tree.
Neal Levin was born and raised in Michigan, a place he still calls home. He
enjoys writing humorous children's poetry, especially poems that involve word
play, surprise endings, and funny ways of looking at the world. His poems have
appeared in several anthologies published by Meadowbrook Press, including
Rolling In the Aisles, Dinner With Dracula, I've Been Burping In the Classroom,
My Teacher's In Detention, and I Hope I Don't Strike Out. He has also written
poetry for a variety of national magazines ranging from MAD Kids to the Saturday
Evening Post. A member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and
Illustrators, Levin has contributed material to Highlights For Children and a
number of educational publishers in the United States and Canada. In addition,
he has taught cartooning workshops to tens of thousands of students in the
metropolitan Detroit area and creative writing classes at Camp Walden, a summer
camp in northern Michigan.