Sara Wintz

Sara Wintz was born in Los Angeles and studied literature and writing at Mills College, Oxford University, and Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard. Her first book, Walking Across A Field We Are Focused On At This Time Now (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2012) is an epic poem about the 20th century that explores the foundations of facts, time, and social identity.

Wintz is the editor of two anthologies of new poetry: THE FEELING IS MUTUAL: A LIST OF OUR FUCKING DEMAND$ (Compline, 2013) and INVISIBLY TIGHT INSTITUTIONAL OUTER FLANKS DUB (verb) GLORIOUS NATIONAL HI-VIOLENCE RESPONSE DREAM: New Writing from the U.S. and U.K. (Critical Documents, 2008, with Justin Katko and Ryan Dobran). She is a contributing editor to Ugly Duckling Presse’s annual performance art sourcebook, Emergency Index.

Wintz has curated for the Segue Foundation (2010, 2011) and for Small Press Traffic (2013). She is the subject of an interview with Claire Wilcox at BOMB in addition to an interview with Kareem Estefan at Ceptuetics, and a feature at Poetry Society of America's online series, “In Their Own Words,” curated by Brett Fletcher Lauer.