Trisha Low

Poet Trisha Low is the author of The Compleat Purge (2013), and her work was featured in the anthology Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing (2011). 

In The Compleat Purge, Low engages narrative and documentary structures to explore the impact of fantasy on perception, in particular the perception of feminine identity. In a 2013 Vol.1 Brooklyn review, Tobias Carroll described The Compleat Purge as “a hybrid in the best sense of the word, bridging styles to get at something deeper; volleying out a series of cloaks to get at something much more essential.”

In a 2013 conversation on confessional writing with Rachel Riederer, Low stated, “I’m more interested in thinking about the confessional as a formal space, as a genre.” Tracing the rise of confessional writing to the 18th-century domestic development of small writing rooms, or “cabinets,” used primarily by women, and imagining the content created in those spaces, Low continued, “So maybe a way to think about the confessional would be for it to be more of a fantasy of what a private life should be or maybe even a fantasy of what a feminine private life would be.”

Low earned a BA at the University of Pennsylvania and an MA at New York University.