B. 1977

Poet and translator Zachary Schomburg was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and raised in Iowa. He earned a BA from the College of the Ozarks and a PhD in creative writing from the University of Nebraska. His books of poetry include Pulver Maar (2019), The Book of Joshua (2014), Fjords vol 1 (2012), Scary, No Scary (2009), and The Man Suit (2007). He has said of his work, which is known for its absurd, tender humor, “Mostly I want my poems to generate their own energy through confusion. I want my poems to confuse the reader. Not a confusion in a cognitive or narrative sense, but in an emotional sense.” He is also the author of the novel Mammother (2017). Schomburg coedits Octopus Books and lives in Portland, Oregon.