Originally Published: March 30, 2007GP on Rimbaud
A famous author's blog has a 5-day hurrah for an Oulipian without rival, a facial hair champion, a wordsman so grand no long intro shall dim my post. I will just show you his initials: GP. (My brain's jumping with GP anyway, having taught my class all about Oulipo on Monday.)
This blog has lots of cool stuff to absorb, including GP's lipogrammish "translation" of Rimbaud's "Vocalisations" (as GP has it), four stanzas that avoid our fifth orthographic symbol and *also* any original Rimbaudian discussion of said symbol...just as I am trying to do right now...
An URL has additional info. Go now—and also follow its links for translations into our country's (and the UK's) lingo!
(Big thanks to my pal Jason McBride.)