I write to ask that you take immediate action to (1) defend the people of Arizona and (2) reform immigration policy pursuant to your existing authority as President of the United States.
Arizona’s new law is the direct result of the federal government’s reckless empowerment of local enforcement agencies to enforce what should be an exclusive federal responsibility, immigration law. The nation expects you to demonstrate leadership and moral courage by acting swiftly to stop this bill from taking effect and eliminating federal programs which led to its creation.
Accordingly, I specifically request that you:
1. Reassert the federal government’s exclusive control over immigration law by making clear that state and local police do not have the inherent authority to enforce immigration law.
2. Immediately suspend and terminate all police-ICE partnerships, including 287(g) agreements and the so-called 'Secure Communities Initiative."
3. Direct the Department of Homeland Security to refuse to take custody of anyone charged with violating provisions of SB 1070.
On Friday, you said: "our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others." It is time for you to acknowledge that programs enlisting police enforcement of immigration law are precisely the type of irresponsible policy that resulted in Arizona's SB 1070. Please take appropriate action to stop the state of Arizona and prevent the rest of the country from following its path.
Awake, my senator! Let us explore
The Undocumented Question at its core.
Our quest shall dare beyond mere falsities
And ascertain where answer truly lies.
Of arguments pro and con nothing say;
Debate for debate’s sake leads inquiry astray.
Free of our native prejudice (please note:
Many prejudgments tend to advance by rote.)
Let insight scan undocumented man,
Ask where his journey ends, where it began,
How to count the unaccountable,
And whether he is person above all.
The rhythm of undocumented feet
Reverberates now your congressional seat,
Recalling us our dutiful intent
To understand mankind sans document.
For those who have Facebook,
Poets Responding to SB 1070
"Let no thought pass incognito, and keep your notebook as strictly as the authorities keep their register of aliens." (Walter Benjamin, trans. Edmund Jephcott)
Puedo tomar la energía de esta marcha
Y enredarte en ella
Tomar los gritos y hacerte un tatuaje,
calmar el ruido de los helicópteros
las patrullas y de la injusticia
para que se oiga nuestra canción de amor
puedo tomar el latido de esta marcha
y convertirlo en el tumtum de un tambor
Y mientras retumba
bailar contigo hasta el centro de Oakland
bailar contigo, mi dulce morenita de Fruitvale
San Francisco, CA
Time: May 1, 11am
Location: SF City Hall, 1 Doctor Carlton B Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA
Organizer: Eric Quezada
Mexican American poet Javier O. Huerta was born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and immigrated …
Read Full Biography