
Subscribe to Gulf Coast Magazine, help clean up the BP oil spill

Originally Published: July 08, 2010


The Houston literary journal Gulf Coast is donating the proceeds from new subscribers to help cleanup the Gulf. From their website:

In light of the ongoing crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, and as the effects of the crisis are increasingly seen and felt on shore, we have decided to introduce a subscription drive to raise money for the clean-up effort.

Beginning now, Gulf Coast will donate all subscription proceeds (about six dollars of the sixteen dollar subscription cost) to the Gulf Restoration Network, an organization committed to uniting and empowering people to protect and restore the natural resources of the Gulf Coast Region for future generations. Officially begun in 1995, the Network works to ensure that the Gulf of Mexico will continue to be a natural, economic, and recreational resource that is central to the culture and heritage of five states and several nations.

We ask that subscribers use the donation code "GLF" when subscribing online to ensure that their subscription money is marked as a donation to the Gulf. And as an extra incentive to help the beautiful Gulf Coast Region, when you enter the donation code "GLF" at checkout, you will receive a free back issue of the journal. Simply select the back issue you would like to receive, and its cost will be deducted from your order.

How to Subscribe and Donate: Visit www.gulfcoastmag.org/subscribe and fill out the order form (subscription and back issue of your choice), then enter our donation code "GLF" at checkout. All proceeds from your subscription will go to the Gulf Restoration Network's ongoing protection and rehabilitation projects.

The magazine was founded in 1986 by Donald Barthelme and Philip Lopate, and, lest you think your donation wouldn't net you anything in return besides a cleaner gulf/conscience, check out this recent roundtable discussion about the new new new surrealism between Heather Christle, Hannah Gamble, Matthew Rohrer, Zachary Schomburg, and Matthew Zapruder.