Poetry News

Weakness as a form of power

Originally Published: October 21, 2010

A recent provocative blog-post by Dodie Bellamy attempts to re-configure the notion of a feminist poetics by suggesting that writing from a position of weakness (or ignorance or misery) paradoxically flips the power relations inherent to writing on their head. She terms this strategy “oppositional weakness”, and writes that:

an in-your-face owning of one's vulnerability and fucked-upness to the point of embarrassing and offending tight-asses is a powerful feminist strategy. Writing is tough work, I don't see how anyone can really write from a position of weakness. Sometimes I may start out in that position, but the act of commandeering words flips me into a position of power. To deny behaviors and experiences gendered as weak or "feminine" is not feminist or queer, it's heteronormative to the hilt.