
Just try not to freeze to death...

Originally Published: December 15, 2010

Issue 14 of Printed Project, an Irish art magazine, is available in its entirety online. The issue is edited by poet and scholar Lytle Shaw, and features interviews with artists and writers concerning the idea of "the conceptual north pole." Basically, Shaw wants to interrogate the ways in which various conceptualisms are historicized and related to the contemporary, in an effort to articulate a more expansive understanding of the term, outside of its (sometimes) rigidly-defined boundaries. According to the copy, the "conceptual north pole"

encompasses new developments in conceptual poetry, meta-documentary; and artists who restage or reframe the idea of literature. Through a series of interviews with a range of visual and textual practitioners, The Conceptual North Pole explores a range of shifting categories and conceptualisations.

And the terrific lineup of interviewees includes: Heriberto Yepez, Jeff Derksen, Lisa Robertson, Matthew Buckingham, Monica de La Torre, Emilie Clark, Gerard Byrne, Matthew Coolidge, Rob Fitterman, Kenneth Goldsmith, Cabinet.