
Life on Mars beats the Here and Now

Originally Published: May 27, 2011

Tracy K. Smith's newest book, Life on Mars, jumps 23 spots to number 3 on this week's contemporary best seller list, just behind Billy Collins' Horoscopes for the Dead (number 1), and Kay Ryan's Best of It (number 2). Life on Mars, Smith's third collection, goes deep into David Bowie and dark matter, imagining a sci-fi future where "sex, / having outlived every threat, will gratify / only the mind, which is where it will exist." And then there's Stephen Dunn's Here and Now, his latest from Norton, debuting on the list at number 15, just behind Robert Bly's latest, Talking into the Ear of a Donkey. You can explore all of the best sellers on Google Books through our best sellers page here.