Confirmed! Ceravolo's Mad Angels Slated for 2012
We were keen last week to find out a little bit more about this possibility of Wesleyan University Press publishing a book collecting all of Joseph Ceravolo's work, so we talked a bit of shop with Joe's widow Rosemary Ceravolo. She has confirmed the speculation! Rosemary says that she's been been working with Wesleyan's acquisitions editor for the last two years in getting Joe's unpublished manuscripts ready for publication. She also wrote:
The Collection will include all of his books that are out-of-print, as well as the extensive amount of his poetry that hasn't been published. The book is called "MAD ANGELS" and will be available in 2012. It will be a huge Collection, half of which will be reprints of Joe's published books and half will be his unpublished poems.