Poetry News

Ben Lerner Chooses Daniel Poppick as Winner of BOMB's 2012 Poetry Contest

Originally Published: August 06, 2012

BOMB has announced the winner of their 2012 Poetry Contest! This year's judge, Ben Lerner, chose Daniel Poppick's "Glass Horse." They've published the poem online, along with work from the finalists, who include Ally Harris, Dunstan Christopher, Ben Mirov, Iris Cushing, and Laura Goode. Runner-up is Diana Hamilton, whose poetry will appear online soon, as well as in the Winter Issue 122. You can read Hamilton's work now at The Claudius App and Two Serious Ladies. As for Poppick, Lerner wrote:

Daniel Poppick is “assisted by a radiance of bending.” Many of the most beautiful lines show grammar almost breaking up: “For you was sunburnt I are leaving we am buoyed by / Homages…” Bending, buoyancy—the poems have both delicacy and force. “We am” might be a solecism, but it’s also an urgent dream. Reading, we am radiant. “Between us flows a school.”

Read it all here, and congrats congrats to Dan, who lives in Iowa City and teaches creative writing at Coe College. His poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Kenyon Review Online, and The Claudius App. He edits the Catenary Press with Rob Schlegel.