All Work and No Play Make Poets Something Something
After a successful live Tweeting of 2001: A Space Oddysey, Sommer Browning and Elisa Gabbert have organized another event. The movie this time: The Shining.
Here are the details:
A few months ago hundreds of funny, smart tweeters got together all over the USA to LIVE TWEET 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was LIFE AFFIRMING and fun and hilarious and it's time to do it again!
On Sunday, October 28th, at 7pm MST join Elisa Gabbert (@egabbert) and Sommer Browning (@vagtalk) in Live Tweeting THE SHINING!!
We'll start the film precisely at 7pm Mountain time (that's 9pm for you Easterners, 6pm for West Coast & 8pm for Middlekins...I don't know why I said Middlekins or why I'm teaching you about how time zones work.)
This is going to be the most fun you've had since you stopped going to church.
Hashtag: #redrum
Save the date!