Forthcoming from Compline: First Books by David Brazil & Jackqueline Frost
Compline, an Oakland-based publisher of "difficult books for difficult people," is scheduled to publish two fantastic new collections of poetry:the ordinary, by David Brazil and The Antidote, by Jackqueline Frost. Both titles are much-anticipated first full-length collections, and Compline is asking readers to purchase them in advance to fund the publication:
As opposed to chapbooks made from re-sourced and recycled materials, full-length books are incredibly expensive to make. Like, really expensive. Further, Compline receives ZERO institutional funding, which means I pay for these books completely out of pocket. In other words, every book I make takes food directly out of the mouth of my innocent, six-month old baby. Which is finally to say that, by preordering these books, you are directly helping to feed a defenseless baby and you’re also receiving two of the most important poetry publications of the decade to boot. Seriously.
These books are going to be BIG, they are going to be BEAUTIFULLY PRODUCED, and they will be ready for the post in April/May. In the meantime, I hope you’ll trust my decisions as a curator and a book designer, and invest in these books NOW so I can afford to get them in your hands. There are a few ways to do this: you can order Jackqueline or David’s books on their own for $15 a piece, and I’ll cover shipping and postage when they’re ready. OR, you can order both books for only $25 (cheap!), I’ll cover shipping and postage, and I’ll throw in an additional Compline publication of your choice FOR FREE. That’s how we do it!
Compline is edited and published by Michael Cross, who used to publish equally fantastic books under the imprint Atticus/Finch. We admire Cross's work and love Compline titles like Craig Dworkin’s The Crystal Text and CJ Martin's Two Books. For more information about the press, and to pre-order Brazil and Frost's forthcoming books, check out the Compline website.