Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta is an artist & casual historian living in San Francisco. Their first chapbook, PDF, was published by Solar Luxuriance in 2014. With Elana Chavez, they organize the Cantíl Reading Series, a decolonized safe space provided for emerging poets of color; &, with Carla Orendorff & Matt Weathers, are a founding member of strictlyyouth, a punk dance performance collective. Tatiana has taught filmmaking & movement to children and grown up anarchists alike.
It is entirely due to Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta that I saw eleven gray whales during the month of January. For this, I am forever in her debt.
~~~~~~~~~~~POETRY MIXTAPE BY TATI~~~~~~~~~
(click images to EXPAND)
1. from LA Paradise by Alix Vollum
2. The Fragility of We (excerpt) by Maya Weeks
3. from Music for Porn by Rob Halpern
4. Yvonne Rainer, still from Privilege
5. Untitled by Oki Sogumi from LIES Journal - vol I
7. One Hot Day After Another by Lucy Blagg
2. Delicious Cyst by Aurora Linnea
3. from Way by Leslie Scalapino
Elaine Kahn is the author of Romance or The End (Soft Skull, 2020) and Women in Public (City Lights,…
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