Farnoosh Fathi

Farnoosh Fathi was born in 1981. Raised in California, she attended UCLA, NYU, and the University of Houston, where she earned her PhD in creative writing and literature. She is the author of the poetry collection Great Guns (2013) and the editor of Joan Murray: Drafts, Fragments, Poems (NYRB Poets, 2018). Her poems have appeared in BOMB, Boston Review, PEN America, and elsewhere. Her translations of poetry have appeared in Circumference and Jacket2, her interviews with poets can be found in The Brooklyn Rail, and her essay on Emily Dickinson’s influence on contemporary poetry can be found in The Emily Dickinson Journal. She is the founder of the Young Artist Language and Devotion Alliance and the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to Brazil, a MacDowell Colony Fellowship, and a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. She lives in New York City and teaches at Stanford Online High School and Columbia University.