Headshot of Amy Dryansky

Photo by Trish Crapo

Amy Dryansky (she/her) is the author of the poetry collections Grass Whistle (Salmon Poetry, 2013), winner of the Massachusetts Book Award for poetry, and How I Got Lost So Close to Home (Alice James Books, 1999), winner of the New England/New York Award. Her poems and essays have been published in anthologies and journals including Barrow Street, Harvard Review, New England Review, Orion, Radar, The Sun, Tin House, and the Women’s Review of Books.

Dryansky has received fellowships and awards from the Poetry Society of America, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. She is the former poet laureate of Northampton, Massachusetts, and a former associate of the Five College Women’s Studies Center, where she researched the impact of motherhood on women-identifying poets.

Dryansky teaches creative writing and is the James Merrill Visiting Poet at Amherst College. She also works as a grant specialist for a regional land conservation agency.