
Harriet Has Arrived

The new blog chronicles the world of poetry, constantly.

BY The Editors

Originally Published: March 15, 2007

We’ve revamped our Journals section. Gone are the weekly diaries by different writers (though they’re archived right here). In their place, we’ve created a true blog, where multiple writers post on all things poetry, all the time.

This blog is called Harriet.

Take a look at a few entries, and then add Harriet to your bookmarks.

MFA—Much Friggin’ Angst . . . by Patricia Smith

Write Where You Are by Rachel Zucker

What I Wrote to an African American Friend Today About Race and Art by Kwame Dawes

Best American Poetry 1919? by Jeffrey McDaniel

9 Versions of Kurt Schwitters’ “Ursonate” by Kenneth Goldsmith

The editorial staff of the Poetry Foundation. See the Poetry Foundation staff list and editorial team masthead.

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