The Poetry Foundation is a private nonoperating 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We post our annual report, audited financial statements, and tax returns below as they become available each year. 

Annual Report 

The annual report summarizes the previous year’s grantmaking, programs, events, and other information that tells the story of how the Foundation fulfills its mission.

Financial Information

Audited Financial Report

The audited financial report is an annual report conducted by a third-party, independent auditor in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAS). 

Tax Return

The 990-PF is the tax return private foundations must file each year with the Internal Revenue Service. It provides financial information about the Foundation's assets, investments, expenses, and prizes awarded for the year. If you have questions or would like more information about interpreting this document, please contact our Chief Operating Officer, Jenny Casteller, at (312) 787-7070. 


The Poetry Foundation was established after the Modern Poetry Association received a gift from philanthropist Ruth Lilly in 2002. The funds are invested to ensure that our grantmaking, publications, and programs continue to operate and provide ongoing support to the poetry ecosystem in perpetuity.

Our commitment to diversity and equity extends to our investment portfolio. In 2020, the Foundation divested from funds that profit from arms, fossil fuels, and prisons. We are continuing our work to ensure that our investment objectives align with the Foundation’s values.