
The Carpenters!

Originally Published: June 08, 2007

Kwame -- OH. MY. GOD. I can't believe we have something in common: The Carpenters! YES - yes yes - the Carpenters are #1 all-time in my book, in particular, the divine Karen. Karen Carpenter had by far, without a shadow of a doubt the best voice ever recorded! No one will ever come close to that angelic, pure, beautiful sound ever again. She was unique and has inspired many other "divas" such as Gloria Estefan and Madonna, and Miss Shania Twain ... all 3 have been quoted as saying that Miss Karen was the singing inspiration growing up. So there u have it ... not at all hard to choose the number one singer of all time, and as a result, choose the number one group of all time: The Carpenters. But I've got more to say about Karen...

Karen Carpenter's voice sounded so angelic that she singlehandedly parted and opened the heavens so the Gods and angels could hear her... The greatest vocalist of all time. Never was there a richer, warmer female voice and never has there been since. she had the most hauntingly beautiful voice i've EVER heard. Karen Carpenter had one of the most beautiful tone qualities of any singer. Karen Carpenter, God rest her soul, had the most beautiful voice in the history of pop music. My all time fav female "voice" is Karen Carpenter. but the inspiration of Nicholas Cage, who thinks Karen Carpenter's voice "was the most beautiful voice of all time." Karen carpenter!!! the voice never to be matched!!!"Karen Carpenter had the voice of an angel. There will never be another like her. Her passion, natural talent, and the emotion with which she sang can never ... Karen Carpenter's voice was that of an angel on earth. Karen Carpenter had by far, without a shadow of a doubt the best voice ... I still from time to time set and listen to Karen Carpenter sing. She really did have the voice of an angel and I bet she sings in heaven to the other ... Nobody's voice was better ... angels can sing, I imagine they would sound like Karen Carpenter Karen indeed sang as an angel while here on this earth and no doubt is ... Karen Carpenter: The most "beautiful" voice in the world. what else can I say? ... Most amazing voice ever, Flawless. I love KAREN CARPENTER! I think she is one of the best singers of all time. Voice of an angel that one The tragic Karen Carpenter had the voice of an angel and for easy listening there is no-one to compare with the Carpenters. I love Karen Carpenter. Laugh if you must, but there it is. I love her soulful voice and the fact that she is often imitated but never, in my opinion, has anyone managed to duplicate her unique, truly one of a kind voice. I remember a time when I was younger, and my dad gave me a little cassette of Karen Carpenter. I had never really heard a proper female singer before, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I finished hearing the tape. Karen is and will always be, the hottest diva and best female voice ever. A totally one of a kind voice - the voice of an angel... I was watching a documentary very recently on Karen Carpenter - who in my opinion had the best voice of any female singer ever, and who was also one of the prettiest. the music and her and her voice were simply superlative. When God created Karen Carpenter's angelic voice, he truly broke the mold. Karen's voice will always be the sweetest, most beautiful to these ears. She was one in a forever. Thank you Karen by helping me through the bad days, and knowing that all I have to do, is put a cd in to listen to the best female voice ever. ... Karen Carpenter had the best voice ever by far. She could sing the phone book and it would sound fantastic. The most fascinating thing about Karen's voice is that it is completely pure. This page is dedicated to Karen Carpenter, the greatest female vocalist the world ... That's the voice... that's it... simply beautiful. i can not belive she has gone she had the most wonderfull voice i ever heard i grew up with the carpenters and thats all i play now at the age 37 she will always be rememeberd. Karen Carpenter is the best singer that there ever will be!!!!!! She was the best singer of all time. Karen Carpenter was a gift to the world from God. Her beautiful voice and her spirit is a blessing in my life everytime I listen to her music! I have never heard anyone who can sing like Karen. Listening to Karen makes you feel in heaven. A voice of pure Silk - and one of the Greatest!! Karen has a unique voice.. there's never been another like her. unbelievable voice. Karen Carpenter is my all-time favorite singer. She had the most beautiful voice of any voice ever. her music has helped me more that she will ever know! its precious the Karen's voice, God make this voice and she sing to God in the heaven now. she is the best singer that existed in the world history. i don´t know why she´s not recognise as one of the best singers. simply the best. Best female singer there ever was. Beautiful unique voice. Voice of an angel!! Love her.... 2 words...incomparable and irreplaceable!!! because she is brill and had the best voice possible. Totaly Brilliant !!! When I heard this song for the first time i started to think who can sing sooo wonderful...i put the internet on it´s head and searched for the name of this group and read The Carpenters...I love them more than all! r.i.p. karen. you were the best. Because she is the best! There is no-one who can even come close to that wonderful voice and beautiful spirit. Karen Carpenter is a remarkable person and singer. Her voice is heaven sent. In my opinion, there is no other that can touch my soul and my heart the way her voice does. She will forever be the best diva in my heart! She's the greatest. Her songs will live on in her memory for ever. She sings like an angel---and she's with them now... Love her!! This is my favorite single of all time from my favorite musical group. If I ever get married, I intend to take my bride dancing to this record at our reception. the most beautiful voice in pop music history. DEFINITELY in the top 5 of best female voices of all time. right up there with patti labelle, diana ross, billie holiday, she did have something special that hasn't been seen since. karen' voice will never be duplicated in music history. she is the greatest. i suppose she registered the lowest note in a female voice. All I can say is that their music is absolutely timeless; the beauty of it truly transcend time and space. Karen's voice is angelic! There will never be another Karen Carpenter. Many consider Karen to be one the finest female vocalists of all-time. Her voice has the ability to reach into the darkest recesses of your inner being and tug on the strings of your emotions. Until you are nothing but utterly amazed at the extreme beauty of her God given voice. The greatest vocalist of all time. AWESOME VOICE!! Heartbreakingly perfect vocals. Timeless music. Only dumb people are the ones who can't appreciate her voice. karen is truly the standard by which all artists are rated. THE greatest female singer ever no contest every single word can be understood clearly with such feeling so sadly missed. totally agree best female singer of all time. YES - yes yes - the Carpenters are #1 all-time in my book, and this is one of my favorite songs by them. I agree, she is the best female singer ever. Sure stands out from all the crap of today. She didn't have to show off her vocal range like a bad gospel singer, she just sang, STRAIGHT - and it was absolute perfection. Her musical reading was superb, unsurpassed. It's so sad we never will know how she had sung at 40 or 50 years of age. So what. She's the best of all time!! Karen possessed one of the most uniquely haunting voices there will ever be, and it is destined to live forever. amen on all counts. greatest female vocalist of all time. Amazing. When I was a child and through my teens, there was one voice that was always there. Well, not always there, but always available when the thousand things I'm always thinking about would get thought out, when the hundreds of adjustments to be made were completed, when the tens of friends would be off friending with other people, when a handful of moments were there solemn and for the taking. The voice belonged to Karen Carpenter. the voice of an angel. Karen could sing to me anytime she wanted to. Anything she sang would be beautiful. Who gives a shit what she pronounces wrong. I wish I could listen to her sing the freaking phone book!!! Everyone's dumbass critic and Karen had the voice of the century. Sorry, Babs. What an incredible talent... She truly had an angelic voice! Karen's voice can make any song sound great. Awwwwwwwwww - Karen had such a beautiful, clear as a bell voice. I think she has one of the most beautiful and genuine voices I've ever heard. Karen's voice is impeccable, beyond beautiful. One of the greatest ever female voices Karen Carpenter smooth and cr
ystal clear. She had a beautiful God-given voice, and a sweet spirit. She and her brother Richard performed and perfected some of the loveliest records of all time. is there a female with a better voice? her vocal tone was angelic in its purity. Over 30 years and she STILL gives me goosebumps. No better combination of voice and beauty. One of my first crushes. Just for a minute it was the early 70s and I was in my moms car and life was good with Karen on the radio. What a beautiful voice. So much talent out there but Karen is number one,Great voice, never heard a voice like hers again, did you? yeah. like petula clark would say: she has "a voice of a angel" The most beautiful voice ever! Karen Carpenter was, in my mind, the most extraordinary, natural talent. She was born a diva. Regrettably, her life was cut short. But if she had lived, she would have enjoyed many more years of success (I don't doubt that for a second). And she was no prima donna - she was a class act in the truest sense of the word (Some other divas could take a lesson from her on this point)! In my opinion, I would even call her a legend. yeah. perfect voice! karen's voice was a rare and perfect singing sound that still pierces my heart. your always in my heart karen...RIP Vocally, she is just the purest female there is. There may be others who can do more 'showy' things and 'vocal acrobatics', but to cut to the chase, Karen is the best! her voice was beautifull. god took away a great beauty. She could sing like no one else ever! The greatest voice in the world! And heartbreaking eyes ... I have always enjoyed her fantastic voice. She was one in a million. There will never be another Karen. She touched people with her voice including me. She is the best singer I've ever heard. Especially Karen's voice in most of her ballads is like the voice of an ANGEL to me that goes straight into my heart, that's probably why ' Close To You ' is still the most played song on weddings all over the world, Great singer & talent. No one since has sounded like her. I think that Karen is one of the most perfect female voices in pop music of all times, and The Carpenters were one of the groups with much musical quality. Listen to that voice. You'll always recognize it! Another classic from Karen, man she had the sweetest voice, I think her singing voice is absolutely fabulous, magnificent, and amazing, especially when she sings the low notes. Her voice is like silk, I've grown up being calmed and soothed by her voice. She's one in a million. Her lower register shakes the world!!! this woman had so much soul (in the non-traditional, non-R&B sense). it was pure pop no doubt, but she intoned every song with such feeling. perfect pitch that really showcases the awesome simplicity of the melodies. Richard deserves a great deal of the credit for their sound and success. Karen, in my heart forever...brings tears to my eyes. She had the most beautiful voice in the world. No one's can compare to hers. a beautiful singer with the perfect voice. Majestic! Cos she has the best voice of all time. So warm, intimate, like she's sitting right there in your lap and singing just for you. Her voice was crystalline, pure and so so sweet. She was an amazing person! Flawless. I get a lump in my throat when I listen to her. RIP Karen. Karen had the voice of an angel. Their music was beautiful and never needed to be defended. It has stood the test of time. Karen is and will always be, the hottest diva and best female voice ever. Karen Carpenter had the voice of an angel. There will never be another like her. Her passion, natural talent, and the emotion with which she sang can never be duplicated. She is the female vocalist of all time. No one else can ever come close. Karen's voice is just top of the world. Her voice is gorgeous. It gets to me every time, especially when she's singing the low notes. There is so much passion in her voice. When she sings, she sings with her whole soul. That is what I admire most. Unique distinctive voice. Perfect performance. Magic, magic, magic. She sings the songs the right way. She doesn't change the melody to fit her voice as Streisand does. She sings. ... because she had a fantastic voice with little effort, a golden voice! Effortless - no one else can sing like that. She finds singing easier than most of us find talking. BEST singer ever. Fact. No argument as far as I am concerned. You may not have to like the music, but anyone who says Karen Carpenter isn't AT LEAST in the top 5 greatest singers ever doesn't have the intelligence to form an opinion that is worth listening to She had the most unforgettable, irreplaceable, unmatchable and instantly recognizable voice to ever grace the airwaves. Great song and one of the greatest singers that ever lived. Always my favorite. Karen Carpenter's crystal-clear angelic voice lifts me to the seventh Heaven! You can't touch Karens voice. The quality and tone of her voice is unrivaled to this day. Karen Carpenter was amazing. She was only 20 years old here, and just listen to her voice. Completely unique. No one has ever been able to sound like her. Beautiful voice. One of the all-time bests. Karen's voice is stunningly beautiful. I've never heard a voice as good, she's my all time favourite female singer. all these pop idol and x factor contestants non will ever come close.she absolutely had the most beautiful female voice of all time. Probably the best female pop voice of all time. John Lennon once told Karen, "My, what a lovely voice you have dear." Her voice is absolutely stunning in its beauty and clarity. It's her soul singing. God can be so unfair...only he can hear this now. Perfection as only Karen Carpenter was capable of! The world lost its most beautiful voice when Karen left us. When her voice hits that low note near the end...I get goosebumps on my arms...its really one of Karen Carpenter's purest vocals....beautiful. Karen, i truly loved your voice, no one ever like you, your undescribable voice, never fade, you're one of a kind. A voice that can transform a killer into a saint, a voice that can stop time. I truly believe that God gave Karen het magnificant voice to bring pleasure to all of us. Karen voice is to song, what Mozart is to music. No other human being has brougt more happiness to me or more tears to my eyes then Karen Carpenter. Karens voice touched me in a way i cant explain, she has the ability to do that. I have admired many vocalist's over the years and like many others, have been waiting for a new voice that would match Karen's. But so far, that hasn't happened. Perhaps someone like Karen Carpenter is born once in a lifetime. I still miss her. Maybe one day we'll get to hear het again in heaven. How come nobody can write songs that are great like this anymore? Nothing on the radio today is going to be missed in 20, 30, or 40 years like this is. her voice , no one in the entire world had or have something like that she was one of a kind. No voice on the planet is as wonderful. The purest voice ever...luv ya Karen!!! I've never heard a better voice and doubt that I ever will. No lip synch. This IS a studio shot for one thing. They were filming, but in studio and you can see from inside the control booth at the last shot. Karen was one of those rarities that could walk into a studio and not have to practice it much less edit it. Most performers can spend an entire day or more on a single song. Karen rarely needed more than a single take. Second - I was there when it was recorded. Don't claim lip synch as fact when you have no idea what you are talking about. She was awesome and her voice really touched my heart and soul. i have listened to so many versions and renditions of this song but hers is the one that reduced me to a flood of tears. so angelic and so effortless, so beautiful. I really like the fact that Karen Carpenter is getting some of the recognition that she deserves. I only wish she was here with us to enjoy it. just love them, her voice is devine. She also had one of the most beautiful smiles one can find. Even to today, no electronic instument can match her voice. Karen had something that no
other singer can reproduce, and when she left this world she took it with her, her and the music she made will always truly be missed. Her soulfull voice and singing way always make me soar to the deepest of my soul. the closest thing to an angel we'll never see again. Karen Carpenter was the greatest wemon singer who ever lived! She has the most beautiful voice ever on earth, she is one of a kind and I love her and Richard! A hero in her own right, and a voice like no one else's - and damn, she could play the drums like nobody's business! She was an absolute goddess - no contest - with the most fabulous voice ever, no competition at all. THE BEST FEMALE VOCALIST - A pure soul and spirit. You're right...she needed no SEX or striptease behavior to sell her product. She was just a mass of BRIGHT LIGHT and her voice pure and lovely. BEST OF THE BEST. What a great brother and sister duo. Such meaningful songs, whether happy or sad. Karen had the very best female pop voice that I expect to ever, ever hear. Karen you are so beautiful!!! heaven sent voice you have. Please read this on heaven. Wah! I grew up on that angel voice of hers! The world misses her, terribly! What a most utterly fantastic and amazing voice. Karen Carpenter's voice is a gift from god. Too bad she didn't realize that. and so for me, Karen Carpenters voice will always be the voice of God. I know her life was sad, but she could not hide her special vision of the earth sparkling in it's unspeakable beauty, I know you all think I am wierd, but if you have not yet spent a season with Karen Carpenter on your car cd player, well my darlings, you have not yet lived. There is no talent like this today. her voice is better than any blanket. All these years later....and STILL....the best female singing voice ever ~ ! What is it about her? Maybe she's part "angel" ?? I'll always love Karen ! She was one of the first singers I listened to as a very small child. she sung like angel. and now shes looking down on all creation..... PURE VOICE from a PURE SOUL. !! Simply; BEAUTIFUL! because she had the best voice of any female singer this world has ever or will ever see. That Voice! Excellent voice control. Recognizable from the first note. Sophistication and freshness. She could sing all the classics beautifully. She had the finest voice in pop music. And because she was nice. She really was the girl next door. She was you and me. She was the "every girl". Best female vocalist in the modern ear. Fabulous song from the finest female singer ever to grace our planet! I never tire hearing Karens unique beautiful voice. I think Karen Carpenter had the Sexiest voice I've ever heard. The first time I heard her I got Goosebumps all over. the best female singer period! Her voice was simply "Angelic" One in a billion. Totally and absolutely incomparable, the voice and looks of an angel The Greatest female voice of all time. Karen is one of a kind, beautiful, no one will ever replace that little lady with a voice that could move a mountain Close your eyes and LISTEN to KAREN! Some of you seem to forget the reason these videos are posted. To honor her and remember the amazing legacy she left us all. She sang this song the way she knew - That is perfectly fine with me. Bravo Karen Bravo! Lets hear anyone even come close to her beautiful voice. Ok - Now I feel better. She was one of the most underrated american singer ever. Unique voice, great technique, Comiserations to all who knew her, she truly was the greatest female singer ever. The world misses that voice from Heaven. Amazing. As everyone here has stated, Karen was an angel sent from heaven and this song reminds me of a time when because of people like her, the world was a far better world to live in. It was a time when people respected one another and neighbors were friends and children could play outside. This song makes me cry for the happier years and cry for the hell our world has become today. We need another Karen Carpenter. I will always remember that unique one of a kind sound. Yet to be repeated. I really miss Karen what a star what a voice!! what more can I say? It's already been said. That voice is one to be remembered. What an ANGEL !!! Karen was like an Angel sent to give us music that brough us happiness. I wasn't even alive when she was singing but i've been brought up on her music as my mother is a huge fan and well i thank her because i always have a smile even when i'm down when i listen to her songs. simply perfect. why can't female singers today sound like her? one of the best voice ive ever heard! it moves me! there has never been a singer with such a beautiful voice as Karens! Karen is the greatest female singer of all time. There has not been a quality female vocalist since Karen Carpenter. I have only to hear her voice to feel good. Tenderness and velvet. Karen Carpenter was a gift to the world from God. Her beautiful voice and her spirit is a blessing in my life everytime I listen to her music! Karen had an absolutely beautiful voice. If it were poosible to "fall in love" with a voice, Karens' was the one!!! Her voice was truly magnetizing as well as mesmerising.Her deep, soft vocals could calm a stormy sea!!! I could listen to her singing all day long and NEVER tire of it. Karen Carpenter is the best singer that there ever will be!!!!!! you have the sweetest voice that i've heard especially the song close to you. you're the best. =The Most Beautiful Voice in the World? two words......Karen Carpenter......the voice of an angel. her voice is the most lovely I´ve heard. beautiful, one of the best singers of all time! She has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Probably the best female voice of all time. Karen was like an Angel sent to give us music that brough us happiness. Thank you God for Karen Carpenter....her voice always brings me comfort!!! Best female voice, ever. Totally natural. I still get chills and a lump in my throat, after all these years. What a gift to the world and what a loss. If anyone wonders what the voice of an angel sounds like then he has to listen to her songs. Karen's gift to the world was her perfect voice. I have never heard anything so beautiful. com on i have i? tears in my eyes does it get any better then this? This song makes me teary all the time. I have it on repeat all the time on my iPod. Her voice is so wonderful. I know this may sound stupid but if Im having a bad time I like to listen to the Carpenters, I feel like Karen is singing to me and me only, such a beautiful uplifting voice. One of the MOST Beautiful voices in modern Rock history. Perfect song from a perfect vocalist. Karen had one of the most soothing voices ive ever heard, when I need too let go and relax i can listen too her and all the bad stuff i carrie around just melts away, I bet shes still singing in heaven. She never hit a bad note. Heaven gained an angel, we lost one of the most beautiful voices. A voice - and a sound - to be treasured through the years... Fabulous song from the finest female singer ever to grace our planet! ust love them, her voice is devine. no one touches my heart like Karen always does. Our universe had a gift from God. Karen Carpenter was one of those gifts that are given us from time to time. Now, we know what we lost. i really like her voice the BEST. The best voice of all times. We miss you Karen. They weren't the coolest act on the radio, but everyone respected her voice, and Richard's talent too. I hope to meet her on the other side. Yet these people cannot name a female singer in the past 20 years with a voice like her's. Her tremendous voice will outlast every one of her critics. the harmonies and that fantastic voice always send shivers down the spine. Thre's something sublime about it... She has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard and for sure is truly On Top of the World now. simply classy ! beautiful, one of the best singers of all time! Karen's voice is irreplaceable. I'ts like God called her early to join his choir of Angelic voices... Karen is the greatest female singer of all time. WOW!!!! WHAT A VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The best I've ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!! She's my Mom's fav singer in the entire world! I can't believe how beautiful this is - Karen's voice was incredible...I could listen to this over and over again for hours! Perfection as only Karen Carpenter was capable of! The world lost its most beautiful voice when Karen left us. She did have a perfect voice. I even knew that back in the day when I was only interested in the rock of the late sixties. I did not like the songs but her voice was amazing. Always be remembered, Karen! Love her voice and her songs. Not forgettting her brother, for being such a good pianist! what a voice. very beautiful. Perfect Pitch And Tones. They'll never be another voice like hers. Beautiful songwriting. It's a shame the world lost such a beautiful voice. a beautiful singer with the perfect voice. The mix on this is the most balanced I have heard on any 5.1 SACD or DVD recording to date. Karens vocals are clean, living in the center where they belong, the instumentation is wide and rich, and the background vocals envelope you like a choir from all sides. No one compares with that voice today... so smooth and soulful. We miss you Karen. Karen Carpenter's voice was one of a kind and the seperation of voice and instruments on this multi-channel disc is absolutely incredible. Karen is the greatest female singer of all time. I will never forget the first time I heard that voice. I was in the eighth grade, that awkward time when everything and nothing matters, sitting in an English class. From the open partition that led into the social studies classroom wafted the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. It was a female voice, of course. And she was, it seemed, singing just for me. "Just like me," she sang. "They long to be close to you..." That was my first exposure to Karen Carpenter. Karen Carpenter had the most beautiful velvet voice. It's no contest, as many others have posted, Karen Carpenter had the best voice ever by far. There has not been a quality female vocalist since Karen Carpenter. (Sorry Madonna, Celine, and Brittny) God decided she'd be better-off entertaining Him... There will never be another voice like Karen's. I'm a rock and roll guy...but Karen's voice is my all-time favorite. Beautiful Karen has the voice of nothing else, so perfect and true. Don't mess with her or her fans. She had a lovely voice that can never be replaced. Ever since I first heard her voice I was in heaven. I have never heard a more natural and perfect voice in my entire life. Even while grocery shopping if she comes on their radio I have to stop. She has the voice of an angel and I feel the loss even years after her death. She will never die as long as I live for she is in my memory and heart. She had a perfect voice. I thought that she had the best voice when I heard her in '70 and still play her music today. I also saw her perform live several times and was great live. She also took the time to speak to me, sign autographs and even mailed me a birthday card. Outta this world! Why do we get left with the crappy ones? If there is such a thing as a voice of an angel - she had it... Awesome talent & voice. I cannot think of a better singing voice than Karen Carpenter. She had the voice of an angel and also, she looked good. She will always be My Singing Angel A Beautiful song, from one of The greast voices in modern music EVER!!!! Karen's voice is so perfect. No one has ever been able to sound like her. You can't touch Karens voice. The quality and tone of her voice is unrivaled to this day. there has never been a singer with such a beautiful voice as Karens! ... because she had a unique, wonderful voice. Many weddings in the 70's were crowned with this song and Karen's pure vocals still ring true today. Unequivocally, the best female singing voice to grace this planet. probably the most beautiful voice I have ever heard She had the most natural voice. Karen Carpenter, Aaaaahhh.... she was something else. Her voice is the sweetest thing I have heard to date. She is one person that I fell for solely because of her voice. It was so heavenly, you just cant get enough of it. Keep wondering if I am still over her. all songs of capenters are great!I will always remember karen till death... She's the best friend a song ever had. its perfect. No voice has surfaced yet to even TRY to equal hers. Karen was the best singer ever. no female singer out there has a voice that even comes close to Karens. pure perfection! I love her. She have the most incredible voice. Karen's voice is so mesmerising that it holds you close to your heart and it touches it deep inside. Simply super. She had a perfect voice. THE WOMAN LEFT US TO SOON. Karen's voice is so beautiful and timeless. Every time I hear a Carpenter's song I feel a little sadness for the fact that she left this earth far too soon. one of the greatest singing voices of all time. The finest female voice in all of pop/rock, ever. And Richard's arrangements have to be among the best in recent memory. The Carpenters were a perfect, once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon -- there may never be anything like them ever again. =there arent any words to describe her voice. beautiful song, beautiful voice. Karen Carpenters voice is one of a kind!! This lady could really sing. That's because Karen is incomparable -- which means no comparisons can be made to her. KAREN HAD NO EQUAL AND NEVER WILL. this is the best female voice there has ever been. Karen was the voice! So brillant, so perfect... Thank you for gave me the oportunity to listen your beautiful voice! Loved this. . .Karen Carpenter was one of the best singer in world. I admire her greatly. This from a 31 year old African American living in the 'hood.' what a beautiful woman with the greatest voice of all time! Best voice in the world. That voice! Other divas may have bigger voices but none have the control and the emotion that Karen had. World has lost the most female powerful voice of all time. What a voice! She, point blankly, has the best female voice ever. Greatest female voice ever. The 60's and 70's make everything else look like total crap. awesome! There will never be another singer as wonderful as Karen Carpenter. Personally I think she has the most beautiful voice ever in the history of voices. Karen is an angel in Heaven now. She came, she sang...and then God called her back.... Karen had the perfect voice. new respect for kd lang now- karen had has the best voice - you could pick it in a second. what perfect quality. superstar. One of the greatest voices of our time. What a beautiful woman & what a beautiful voice! incredible...that's the way i describe her voice. she makes it look easy to sing but it is difficult to sing the way she does and be so consistent at it ... so free and makes you feel good and soothing all over on the inside. the world could use many more voices like hers today. A writer once described Karen's voice as "soul-searing" and I always thought this was true. I was listening to one of their CDs today in the car. Karen and Richard will last forever. Karen Carpenter's voice is one thousand times more compelling than the image. I remember hearing Karen's voice on the radio when "Close to You" hit - I was about 6 years old and I thought "wow, I bet they get tired of going around to all these radio stations every day and singing that song!" What a voice - the older I get, the more I realize what an amazing instrument it was and the interpretive instinct she had - the combination is rare... and the result is timeless. Anyone have a time machine? I would go back to save her. Truly tone perfect and a true beauty. the voice...one of the most gifted and tender voices that could effect everybody... there's only one voice and it lives on...it's karen carpenter From my lips Karen to your ears ears in heaven, you are beautiful, with an angelic voice that has a haunting sadness to it. Thank you for giving us the beauty of your voice, and your smile. NO ONE CAN SING LIKE YOU. Heaven is very lucky. Karen's vocals just rip right through the lush arrangments like a chainsaw. How such a small woman had such an incredibly powerful voice is still mind-boggling. I would catego
rize her voice as a controlled volcano. Richard's arrangments and compositions are fabulous, but that voice is so powerful. Love it! i love that incredible voice and that awesome smile Ella Fitzgerald and Karen Carpenter are two of the greatest voices to ever live. the VOICE enough said. Can it get any better than this, WOW. BEAUTIFUL. She has the most beautiful perfect voice I have ever heard. Her talent was amazing. Have you heard another voice like that? Didn't think so. Her voice was the most acoustically perfect instrument ever. She just is ... the best! So true! When KD Lang says that she was inspired by Karen Carpenter, then you know that Karen is a singer's singer. wow. wonderful!!!! karen voice was magical, speechless. Karen and Ella are the greatest voices ever She has a very beautiful voice. It is very natural and not artificial. They were the most peaceful singers the world had ever seen. My heart aches everytime I hear that beautiful voice. If there is a God, I suppose I couldn't blame him/her for wanting it in heaven. I've thought for the last 25 years that she has the best female voice ever in popular music...i haven't changed my mind. Fantastic. Excellent.. She is the best female singer ever! To me, at least! On February 4, 1983, the world lost one of the most beautiful voices ever.
Kwame, dearest, we finally have something special in common that we can share.
With love,

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