Finished with 3rd MFA residency. Incredibly tired. Just back from lobster bake thingie where no lobsters were visibly baked. Ten days in creative nirvana. Maine cooperated, kinda (rain). Shunned TV and most internet, have no idea at all what's going on in the world. Got some incredibly luscious news, but can't tell ya yet. My Spenserian stanzas worked! Fell in love with May Swenson and fell in love again with June Jordan. Thrilled to learn the connection between Sanchez and Bogan. Third-semester critical essay looms. Studying quite intensively with the inimitable Annie Finch. Woman never met a dactyl she didn't like. I will be worked mercilessly. It will be exquisite. Let's get that party started. Stonecoast feels like my home now. I'm tired. Really tired. Wanted to say hi to you guys. Tired. Six-hour drive looms. Tired.
Patricia Smith (she/her) has been called “a testament to the power of words to change lives.” She is...
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