
remarkable newness

Originally Published: October 05, 2007

Having just posted at length about long critical histories, ways to think about dead people, and completed oeuvres, almost as if poetry were not a living art form, I compensate now with links to a few neat brand-new poems, available in current litmags that just happen to publish their new work on the Web. What poems? What litmags? You guessed it: they're below the fold.

Sandra Beasley, in Pebble Lake Review, has an fine expostulation in unrhymed quatrains. (By the way-- when people say "I am Greg's liver," or "I am Joe's Thymus," to what, pray tell, are they alluding?)
Nathalie Stephens, a bilingual Canadian prose poet, from the collection of Canadians in the new Drunken Boat.
And from Sharra Lessley in AGNI, a neat poem about flirting, the words to which "flirt" relates, and the acts to which flirting can eventually lead; the technique reminds me of Angie Estes, whose neat recent book I was looking at just this morning, though the Lessley poem is brand-new to me now.

Stephanie (also Steph; formerly Stephen) Burt is a poet, literary critic, and professor. In 2012, the...

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