
The Week In Review: 12-12-12 Edition

Originally Published: December 14, 2012

Last month, the one-year anniversary of 11-11-11 passed through without much fanfare. This Wednesday, we celebrated December 12, 2012, or 12-12-12, and the last time three numbers will line up on the calendar that way for… we’re guessing the average reader's lifetime. In honor of this passing, we present 12 unrelated quick hits from the world of poetry.

Note: If you don’t know why those numbers are called “eleven” and “twelve” instead of “oneteen” and “twoteen,” get educated.

1. Dalkey Press is hiring! And honcho John O’Brien is attempting to explain himself!

2. The Poetry Project’s fellowship program is also taking applications.

3. In a long read for Beat fanatics, The New Yorker profiles the mysterious and mercurial man otherwise known as “Dean,” noted for being less hinged than Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac.

4. Hanna Gamble also gets a write-up.

5. City Lights is still relevant, simultaneously embracing the work of Catherine Wagner and the popular medium of online video.

5. Hollywood heartthrob and patron of the underground James Franco is still up to his art-bro shenanigans.

6. Having trouble fitting in? Poetry might be making you weird. You might want to get that checked out.

7. A lot of people are making end-of-year lists and pitching various seasonal gift ideas.

8. Three parties interpret the persistently popular work of Ch. Bukowski. That’s about the same as the total number of people who defend Californication.

9. Sir Andrew Motion offers tips on memorizing poems with more complex structures than that of “The Raven.”

10. Lauren Quinn has some pretty cool imaginary friends.

11. It’s getting chilly here in Chicago, but you can still brace yourself and get out this weekend.

12. Don't live here? Our neighbors to the Northeast also do readings.