

Classic and contemporary works on affection, connection, heartbreak, and more.

Showing 1-20 of 3,395 results
  • Poem
    By Dorothy Parker
    I think, no matter where you stray,
    That I shall go with you a way.
    Though you may wander sweeter lands…
  • Poem
    By Countee Cullen
    If love be staunch, call mountains brittle
    Love is a thing will live
    So long, my dear,––oh, just the little
    While water stays in a sieve.

    Yea, love is deathless as the day
    Whose death the stars reveal;
    And love is loyal all the way,
    If treachery...
  • Poem
    By Countee Cullen
    Come, let us plant our love as farmers plant
    A seed, and you shall water it with tears,
    And I shall weed it with my hands until
    They bleed. Perchance this buried love of ours
    Will fall on goodly ground and bear a tree
  • Poem
    By Countee Cullen
    What if you come
    Again and swell
    The throat of some
    Mute bird;
    How shall I tell?
    How shall I know.
    That it is so,
    Having heard?

    Done, let no trick
    Of what’s to come
    Deceive; the quick
    So soon grow dumb; 
    With wine and bread
    Our feast is spread;
    Let’s leave no crumb.
  • Poem
    By Dorothy Parker
    I think that I shall never know
    Why I am thus, and I am so.
    Around me, other girls inspire
    In men the rush…
  • Audio
    Poetry Off the Shelf
    Rebecca Lindenberg on diabetes, a final phone call, and letting yourself fall in love.
  • Poem
    By Caroline Harper New
    A man by the name of Skinner becomes famous
    for keeping caged
            pigeons, whom his clock feeds or starves
            at random. Their tiny twitching heads exaggerate until...
  • Poem
    By Irina Ratushinskaya
    I know it won't be received
    Or sent. The page will be
    In shreds as soon as I have scribbled it.
    Later. …
  • Poem
    By Shereen Akhtar
    In our first house-let in London, she drew on the tablecloth to create
    a calligraphic feast. Our friends…
  • Poem
    By Anastasia Taylor-Lind
    It’s 9/11 the first time you stay.
    In the morning you bring Taliban poems back to bed.
    I drink cardamom…
  • Poem
    By Jessica Rigney
    It's important she says that summer
    Flatten itself against autumn. That it keep Insisting yes yes it'…
  • Poem


    By Jessica Jiang
    I’ve gotten used to sunlight with you,
    but no pressure! Just—
    spring doesn’t hurt as much anymore…
  • Poem

    poetry-magazineMiddle School Dance

    By Nicole Tallman
    To all the boys
    who asked me
    to dance and to 
    all the boys to whom
    I said yes and to 
    all the steps we took…
  • Poem

    poetry-magazineHe Was Chaotic

    By Fatimah Asghar
    My teacher says of their cat, now gone
    missing. In his absence, everything is still.

    The small, silvered…
  • Poem


    By Olive Franklin
    Loved you since I was little, on the playground break-time
    -brawled with you and your mismatched cuffs…
  • Audio
    Poetry Off the Shelf
    Cass Donish on grief rituals, putting on makeup, and letting in joy.

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