
Sports & Outdoor Activities

Showing 1-20 of 370 results
  • Poem
    By R. L. Swihart
    The migration continues. Continuous. Sporadic. 
    With mathematical complexity, wind 
    over sand 
    Ropes …
  • Poem
    By Peter O’Leary
    Blood-gushered mountainside a brass parapegma of noon
    glares behind: gore of hides. Beasts all slain. Shadeless midday. Specterless
    differentiation. Glad day zodiacs augur. Awl of insight; hunters'
    blades. Actaeon: and the spirits of motion. Actaeon
  • Poem
    By Holly Mitchell
    After the beginning of the gallop, there are counts when the horse is in the air, her
    legs withdrawn, a diamond shape.

    This is called suspension.

    Her name is Sallie Gardner.

    She’s by Vandal, out of Charlotte Thompson, Kentucky bred, of Irish pedigree, a

  • Poem
    By John Tickhill
    Translated By Eric Weiskott
    In springtime, chief of all seasons,
            in May when new joys rise and flourish,
                    the sun is lord and messenger at once and sends down to us
            to rouse our bodies and be merry:
    humankind to...
  • Poem


    Stunt Double

    By Tomás Q. Morín
    In this life, there are stars
    and there are stunt doubles.

    Before I became one of those fathers
    obsessed with memorizing his lines,
    making peace with the Big Director
    in the sky who doesn’t like ad libs,
    before all that, I was the star
    of my own...
  • Poem


    Lil Mermaidz

    By Tayi Tibble
    Rinsing the sea salt out of our bikinis
    with the drinking water and getting a slap
    upside the head from your mother with her
    House & Garden magazine reserved especially
    for fanning away mosquitoes and sighing
    because we know that this is how
    it’s always going...
  • Poem
    By Tracy K. Smith
    200 cows         more than 600 hilly acres

                property would have been even larger
    had J not sold 66 acres to DuPont for
                    waste from its Washington Works factory
    where J was employed        
  • Poem
    By Chris Abani
    A stream in a forest and a boy fishing,
    heart aflame, head hush, tasting the world—
    lick and pant. The Holy Scripture
    is animal not book.
    I should know, I have smoked
    the soul of God, psalm burning
    between fingers on an African afternoon.
    And how is...
  • Poem
    By Jim Daniels
    The strongest boy in our high school
    on the edge of Detroit did not play
    sports—he would’ve had to cut
    his long blond Samson hair
    and put away his switchblade
    and stop smoking dope.

    The gone-to-seed coaches who taught
    gym class hated him for the beauty
    they could...
  • Poem
    By Jaswinder Bolina
    How the sweat-drenched vendors hawk
    Old Styles to the drunken disorderlies—
    who are us!—in the pilsner light
    of August buzzing with gnats and lingo,
    the umpire barking his commandments
    like a clergy, the manager barking back
    like a heretic. I douse my dog in ketchup,
    and buy...
  • Poem



    By Susan Browne
    I swim my laps today, slowly, slowly,
    reaching my arms out & over, my fleshly oars,
    the water silken on my skin, my body still able
    to be a body & resting at the pool’s lip,
    I watch other bodies slip through the blue,
  • Poem
    By Arthur Sze
    A woman moves through a Cloud Hands position,
                            holding and rotating

    an invisible globe—thud, shattering glass, moan,
                            horn blast—so many

    worlds to this world—two men dipnet
                            sockeye salmon

    at the mouth of a river—from a rooftop, a seagull
                            squawks and cries;

    a woman moves...
  • Poem
    By Nikki Giovanni
    During the age
    Of segregation
    There was a park
    Purchased by Dr. Cal Johnson
    For Black children to play

    It had swings
    A jumble gym
    A basketball court
    And a tennis court
    Actually two

    The little kids could play
    In the afternoon
    But when work was over
    The men got the court

    Matthew and...
  • Poem
    By Natalie E. Illum
    A swimming pool hotter than bathwater.
    Chlorine haze. My mother along the edge
    encouraging me, with my Curious George, to swim.
    Though I liked the Man with the Yellow Hat better.

    Chlorine hazy and my mother at the edge.
    Swim teacher says my legs are...
  • Poem
    By Osip Mandelstam
    Translated By Peter France
    I was washing at night out in the yard—
    the heavens glowing with rough stars.
    A star-beam like salt upon an axe,
    the water barrel brimful and cold.

    A padlock makes the gate secure,
    and conscience gives sternness to the earth—
    hard to find a standard...

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