

Showing 1-20 of 196 results
  • Poem
    By Petr Hruška
    Translated By Jonathan Bolton
       They had already sat down on the bed. Then the man
    remembered the back door was still open. He groped…
  • Poem
    By Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
    Welcome children of the Spring,
       In your garbs of green and gold,
    Lifting up your sun-crowned heads
       On the verdant plain and wold.

    As a bright and joyous troop
       From the breast of earth ye came
    Fair and lovely are your cheeks,
  • Poem
    By John Tickhill
    Translated By Eric Weiskott
    In springtime, chief of all seasons,
            in May when new joys rise and flourish,
                    the sun is lord and messenger at once and sends down to us
            to rouse our bodies and be merry:
    humankind to...
  • Poem
    By E. E. Cummings
    what if a much of a which of a wind
    gives truth to the summer's lie;
    bloodies with dizzying leaves the sun
    and yanks immortal stars awry?
    Blow king to beggar and queen to seem
    (blow friend to fiend:blow space to time)
    —when skies are hanged...
  • Poem
    By William Shakespeare
    When daisies pied and violets blue
       And lady-smocks all silver-white
    And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue
       Do paint the meadows with delight,
    The cuckoo then, on every tree,
    Mocks married men; for thus sings he,
    Cuckoo, cuckoo: Oh word of fear,
    Unpleasing to a married ear!

    When shepherds...
  • Poem
    By Arthur Symons
    Side by side through the streets at midnight,
    Roaming together,
    Through the tumultuous night of London,
    In the miraculous April weather.
    Roaming together under the gaslight,
    Day’s work over,
    How the Spring calls to us, here in the city,
    Calls to the heart from the heart of...
  • Poem
    By Aazhidegiizhig
    Waababaa                        As my eyes
    inaabiyan                         search
    mashkode                        the prairie
    noongom igod ji-niibin   I feel the summer in the spring
  • Poem
    By Miguel Algarín
    Not tonight but tomorrow
    when the light turns the peach
    tree green and the Earth sprouts
    its young leaves looking to repeat
    the magical mystery tour of
    photosynthetic conversion of light
    and moisture into life—
    Not tonight but tomorrow
    when my body will have shed
    its fear of turning...
  • Poem
    By Chris Glomski
    of waves dropped into froth     Jellyfish a jar
    of innards half-buried in sand     Dead nature     What are
    these things and who are they for?     This blue rug
    is its own genre     And these painted apples
    round out the essence of what can be made
  • Poem



    By Meena Alexander
    This disease has come back
    With frills and furbelows.

    You must give your whole life to poetry
    Only a few survive if that—

    Poems I mean, paper crumpled
    Shades of another water—

    Far springs are what you long for,
    Listening for the slow drip of chemicals

    Through a...
  • Poem



    By Meena Alexander
    So how will it end?
    You want it straight?

    He looked me in the eye:
    You will lose weight,

    Become more and more tired.
    This kind will not enter your bones or brain.

    I stared at him, ravished.
    Could not pluck my eyes from his old man...
  • Poem
    By Robert Frost
    Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf’s a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.
  • Poem
    By E. E. Cummings
    O sweet spontaneous
    earth how often have
                 fingers of
    prurient philosophers pinched
    ,has the naughty thumb
    of science prodded
            beauty      how
    often have religions taken
    thee upon their scraggy knees
    squeezing and
    buffeting thee that thou mightest conceive
    to the incomparable
    couch of death thy
                 thou answerest
    them only with
  • Poem
    By William Carlos Williams
    This is the time of year
    when boys fifteen and seventeen
    wear two horned lilac blossoms
    in their caps — or over one ear
    What is it that does this ?
    It is a certain sort —
    drivers for grocers or taxidrivers
    white and colored —
    fellows that...
  • Poem
    By William Carlos Williams
    The farmer in deep thought
    is pacing through the rain
    among his blank fields, with
    hands in pockets,
    in his head
    the harvest already planted.
    A cold wind ruffles the water
    among the browned weeds.
    On all sides
    the world rolls coldly away :
    black orchards
    darkened by the March clouds...
  • Poem
    By Wallace Stevens
             The World without Imagination

    Nota: man is the intelligence of his soil,
    The sovereign ghost. As such, the Socrates
    Of snails, musician of...
  • Poem
    By Hieu Minh Nguyen
    Even though it’s May & the ice cream truck
    parked outside my apartment is somehow certain,
    I have a hard time believing winter is somehow,
    all of a sudden, over — the worst one of my life,
    the woman at the bank tells me. Though I’d...
  • Poem
    By Ursula K. Le Guin

    gold of amber
    red of ember
    brown of umber
    all September
         MCCOY CREEK
    Over the bright shallows
    now no flights of swallows.
    Leaves of the sheltering willow
    dangle thin and yellow.
    At four in the morning the west wind
    moved in the leaves of...

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