

Showing 1-20 of 360 results
  • Poem
    By Emily Wilson
    stripped batting of cloud
    glimpsed ligaments
    dusk coming up under
    lithographic, nib-hatchings
           instruments click
           the fine-sprung locust
           replicate dinge along hill-lines
           tailings of umber, the rust smudge
    There is still that hemmed ocean of oaks
           the various reds, the somehow
           silver cast over the...
  • Poem
    By Emily Brontë
    O transient voyager of heaven!
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ O silent sign of winter skies!
    What adverse wind thy sail has driven
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ To dungeons where a prisoner lies?

    Methinks the hands that shut the sun
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠So sternly from this morning's brow
    Might still their rebel task have done
    ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠ And checked a thing...
  • Poem
    By T. S. Eliot

    The winter evening settles down
    With smell of steaks in passageways.
    Six o’clock.
    The burnt-out ends of smoky days.
    And now a gusty shower wraps
    The grimy scraps
    Of withered leaves about your feet
    And newspapers from vacant lots;
    The showers beat
    On broken blinds and chimney-pots,
    And at the...
  • Poem
    By Angela Voras-Hills
    On the bike path, a bunny's body and blood
    where the head should be. Something

    has torn off its foot, something has eaten
    its heart, its entrails frozen in snow.

    The plow growls past me. This morning
    I left eggs behind the couch to incubate....
  • Poem
    By Nancy Willard
    The snow arrives after long silence
    from its high home where nothing leaves
    tracks or strains or keeps time.
    The sky it fell from, pale as oatmeal,
    bears up like sheep before shearing.

    The cat at my window watches
    amazed. So many feathers and no bird!
  • Poem
    By James Crews
    When I can no longer say thank you
    for this new day and the waking into it,
    for the cold scrape of the kitchen chair
    and the ticking of the space heater glowing
    orange as it warms the floor near my feet,
    I know it’s...
  • Poem


    Wind Shear

    By Janice N. Harrington
    Under the magnolia, a winter-starved hare stills
    and pretends it is not there,

    and wanting less of fearfulness
    I pretend that I do not see my camouflage, the wild promises
    in my gaze, and step carefully by.

    Morning, bitter morning—
    lack and awful patience wait at...
  • Poem


    The Burning

    By Liz Berry
    It was the hard winter she came,
    frozen larks plummeting through the gloam like falling stars,
    each pail in the yard a slattern’s looking glass.

    Each dusk, the house cobwebbed by creeping frost,
    my husband slipped like a knife from an oyster,
    my sons nestled...
  • Poem
    By Arthur Sze
    A rabbit has stopped on the gravel driveway:

               imbibing the silence,
               you stare at spruce needles:

  • Poem


    When It Arrived

    By C.L. O’Dell
    It was delivered to me in the snow.

    The kids were all sleeping
    in separate corners of the house
    like unfound crystals.

    I wiped the flakes off,
    holding what I thought could save me.
    My neighbors were afraid

    I was disappearing. The branches above
    trembled with hidden birds.
  • Poem
    By José Olivarez
    so when i walk down the street, i hold hands
    with the wind. there’s a chimney coughing
    up ahead & a sky so honey, i could almost taste it.
    a cat struts away from me & two yellow eyes

    become four: just like that,
  • Poem


    Battery Park in Winter

    By Chase Berggrun
    Near noon in the city in the park
    in the salted air in the cold cringe
    cringing two hands glued red
    to my cheeks. I give away comfort to get it back.
    Oh, look at the sun, I must say to myself
    over and over,...
  • Poem
    By Robert Wrigley
    More oblique the eagle’s angle
    than the osprey’s precipitous fall,
    but rose up both and under them dangled
    a trout, the point of it all.

    Festooned, a limb on each one’s
    favored tree either side of the river,
    with chains of bone and lace of skin
  • Poem



    By Julia Salem
    In a bleary part of town,
    I traverse the blackboard silence of snow.

    Through the slats of the cypresses
    Flounce paper-white feathers of snow.

    On the red leaves of my palms
    Distend melted messages of snow.

    The road is iron anvil
    Stinging with sparks of snow.

    My nocturnal...
  • Poem
    By Austin Smith
    Christmas Eves our dad would bring
    Home from the farm real hay
    For the reindeer that didn't exist
    And after we were finally asleep
    Would get out and take the slabs
    Up in his arms and carry them
    Back to the bed of his pickup,
    Making sure...
  • Poem
    By Christie Towers
    A bowl of rose water dreams itself empty
    on the radiator: It's December and we can
    hardly afford the heat, our milk money
    crinkling hungry over the cold counter
    of our convenience store, the very last
    of our cash for creamer, for pleasantries,
    for cheap tea...
  • Poem
    By Ruth Awad
    In the rowboat I tied her shoes.And the river cussed and spat.
    Our feet swelled and our bellies begged.The end is never how you expect.
    This is where I lose her:at the shoreline, in sweet water.
    We fed wild dogs overripe apples and...
  • Poem
    By Sy Hoahwah
         The wagon and mule, Time and Eternity, stop to change places. Their lean and slope-back shadow, my reservation. The moon moves like infested flour. At the river, bloody victories meet bloody massacres. They tell each other about their...
  • Poem
    By Matvei Yankelevich
    As winter went on, every morning’s spoon of buckwheat honey
    resembled more the taste of that isosceles at midpoint
    of your weight, its smell brought sweetly back the pendulum-like pace
    moving us from windowsill to floor, from floor to bed, and back
    to floor,...
  • Poem
    By Jimmy Santiago Baca

    Today, running along the river,
                     dead leaves cling
                     to cathedral cottonwood branches,
                     snap in the gusty breeze,
                     give a crisp hiss . . .
    A wafer thin wind spades up
    loose dust from the path,
    and above me,
    gray leaves clash soft in towering...

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