

Showing 1-20 of 387 results
  • Poem
    By Sarah Carson
    The first gun we knew came in a toolbox for the apocalypse: hammer, barrel, crushed can, pack of Newports…
  • Poem
    By Tamsin Moore
    Long, empty roads stretching as long as the gas tank is willing—
    Sixty-seven dollars left from last …
  • Poem
    By Louise Erdrich
    August and the drive-in picture is packed.
    We lounge on the hood of the Pontiac
    surrounded by the slow…
  • Poem
    By Robert Hayden
    At Dunbar, Castle or Arcade
    we rode with the exotic sheik
    through deserts of erotic flowers;
    held in the…
  • Poem
    By Karl Knights
    The zoo is tough terrain; hilly.
    I wheel as fast as I can —
    then Mum shouts ‘Keep up!’
    I stop. ‘Hand me…
  • Poem
    By Petr Hruška
    Translated By Jonathan Bolton
      True darkness is in a child’s bedroom. Deep black.
    Elsewhere there’s just a meager, watery twilight…
  • Poem
    By Ada Limón
    My brother holds a snake by its head. The whole
                length of the snake is the length
    of my brother’s body. The snake’s head
                is held safely, securely, as if my brother
    is showing him something in the distant high grass.
  • Poem
    By Suzanne S. Rancourt
    I can remember my father bringing home spruce gum.
    He worked in the woods and filled his pockets
    with …
  • Poem
    By CAConrad
    Frank’s sister grew long blue feathers

    she said it was worse than cutting teeth

    she spent a month screaming in the cave
    pushing them out

    Frank would lie in bed at night
    touching his own back


    praying it wouldn’t
    come to him

    but the day his sister flew...
  • Poem
    By CAConrad
    Mother was angry when
    Frank accused his brother
    of being a cartoon

    “but look!” Frank said
    “I can fold him
    into airplanes!
    I can chew him
    into spitballs!”

    “stop chewing and folding your brother!
    he loves you very much!” she said

    “then why doesn’t he say so?”


    we can’t afford a
  • Poem
    By K. Iver
    You’ve never seen a lilac in Mississippi.
    Backstage you wear lotion laced with
    its chemical imitation. A ballet mistress
    says relevé always as command: lift
    onto the toe using only the heel.
    Your ankle’s bewilderment
    old as the horned owl gaze from
    your mother hunched in the...
  • Poem
    By Karyna McGlynn
    & watch Kevin Bacon conjure fake tears in a Real Hallway
    & I am Real Tears in a fake hallway
    & “Procreation is gross though”

    I’m nine & a half, watching “The Miracle
    of Life” on my mother’s bed

    Stirring my shells & cheese
    I see...
  • Poem
    By John Murillo
    For me, the movie starts with a black man
    Leaping into an orbit of badges, tiny moons

    Catching the sheen of his perfect black afro.
    Arc kicks, karate chops, and thirty cops

    On their backs. It starts with the swagger,
    The cool lean into the...
  • Poem
    By Lynn Emanuel
    Love is boring and passé, all that old baggage,
    the bloody bric-a-brac, the bad, the gothic,
    retrograde, obscurantist hum and drum of it
    needs to be swept away. So, night after night,
    we sit in the dark of the Roxy beside grandmothers
    with their shanks...
  • Poem
    By Jos Charles
                its a secrete

                the grls speeching mye hole  /

                inn 2 the lindens  /  wee go out

            & playe footballe  /  verie nashenallie

            how wee leeve a stall  /  piteus

                        wen the grls

                        speech me  /
    this is how u make a porno   /    ...
  • Poem
    By Ariana Brown
    I don’t know why
    most mexicans in my hood
    wore nike cortez’s–
    why the breakers in my crew
    polished ‘em daily,
    as if a little spit could
    salvage our childhoods–
    why we all know cortez’s are best
    for c-walking, gang shit,
    sick moves thrust
    upon an opponent’s pride–
    why we thought

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