Love Poems from Poetry Magazine
Valentines from 1914 to today.
BY The Editors

The editors of Poetry choose love poems from its earliest issues to more recent ones.
Love Present
- D. A. Powell
- Ange Mlinko
- Katherine Larson
- Dabney Stuart
- Todd Boss
- BJ Ward
- Randall Mann
- Averill Curdy
- Yusef Komunyakaa
- Hadrian
- A. F. Moritz
- Mary Ruefle
- Tracy K. Smith
- Prageeta Sharma
- Eleanor Ross Taylor
- Naomi Morris
- Ed Roberson
- Barbara Jane Reyes
- Joy Harjo
- Solmaz Sharif
- Liz Berry
- Phillip B. Williams
- Caroline Bird
- Alice Fulton
- Ocean Vuong
- A.E. Stallings
Love Past
- Edwin Arlington Robinson
- William Carlos Williams
- Ezra Pound
- Sara Teasdale
- D. H. Lawrence
- Amy Lowell
- Louise Bogan
- Louise Bogan
- William Butler Yeats
- Helen Hoyt
- James Joyce
- Robert Creeley
- Rita Dove
- Tennessee Williams
- Amy Lowell