Father’s Day Poems
A fistful of poems about fatherhood by classic and contemporary poets.
BY The Editors

Fathers Day is a rich holiday on the poetry calendar, and we present this selection for the dads as well as their kids. We’ve selected several poems about fatherhood, ranging from the classic (“Only a Dad” by Edgar Guest) to the contemporary (Maxine Kumin’s “Spree”). Some of these poems speak of fathers with love, admiration, and praise (“The Gift”), while others speak with resentment, sorrow, and regret (“In Dreams”). We've also got poems about children from the perspective of the father, from the first moment (“On the Birth of a Son”) on through the various stages of life (“Dressing my Daughters”).
To Her Father with Some Verses
Anne Bradstreet
Edgar Albert Guest
Leslie Monsour
Only a Dad
Edgar Albert Guest
My Papa’s Waltz
Theodore Roethke
The Gift
Li-Young Lee
- Andrew Hudgins
The Harp
Bruce Weigl
Childhood Ideogram
Larry Levis
Poem for My Father
Quincy Troupe
- Michael Prior
- Eduardo C. Corral
My Pa
J. Patrick Lewis
Sign for My Father, Who Stressed the Bunt
David Bottoms
Father, Child, Water
Gary Dop
Bewitched Playground
David Rivard
Danse Russe
William Carlos Williams
Dressing My Daughters
Mark Jarman
Heart’s Needle
W. D. Snodgrass
On the Beach at Night
Walt Whitman
- Su Tung-Po
Proust’s Madeleine
Kenneth Rexroth
The Alien
Greg Delanty
- Craig Santos Perez
After Making Love We Hear Footsteps
Galway Kinnell
A Child is Something Else Again
Yehuda Amichai
Carl Dennis
Child on the Marsh
Andrew Hudgins
Alan R. Shapiro
Supernatural Love
Gjertrud Schnackenberg
This Can’t Be
Bruce Smith
Those Winter Sundays
Robert Hayden
Maxine Kumin
Michael S. Harper
The Father of My Country
Diane Wakoski
Seamus Heaney
- Bob Hicok
Yusef Komunyakaa
All My Pretty Ones
Anne Sexton
Burning the Fields
Linda Bierds
On my First Son
Ben Jonson
His Stillness
Sharon Olds
- James L. Dickey
Landscape, Dense with Trees
Ellen Bryant Voigt
The Lost Pilot
James Tate
Men at My Father’s Funeral
William Matthews
To Alexander Graham
W. S. Graham
James Wright
The Hospital Window
James L. Dickey
- Victoria Chang
- Martín Espada
- Kai Conradi
For a Father
Elise Partridge
- Frank Lima