LGBTQ+ Pride Poems
A collection of poems and essays by LGBTQ+ poets on topics and themes of identity, gender, and sexuality.
BY The Editors

I Sing the Body Electric
Walt Whitman
Movement Song
Audre Lorde
Footnote to Howl
Allen Ginsberg
Hart Crane
Dear Gaybashers
Jill McDonough
A History of Sexual Preference
Robin Becker
Francisco X. Alarcón
Three Addresses
Terence Winch
- June Jordan
The Mortician in San Francisco
Randall Mann
- Danez Smith
- Rosebud Ben-Oni
- Valerie Martínez
[Didn’t Sappho say her guts clutched up like this?]
Marilyn Hacker
- Bradley Trumpfheller
- Donika Kelly
- Jos Charles
- Jack Spicer
if time is queer/and memory is trans/and my hands hurt in the cold/then
Roque Salas Rivera
- Chen Chen
A Litany for Survival
Audre Lorde
An American Poem
Eileen Myles
American Wedding
Essex Hemphill
At Last the New Arriving
Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Who Said It Was Simple
Audre Lorde
- Frank O’Hara
Ordinary Time
Tim Dlugos
- CAConrad
Gay Pride Weekend, S.F., 1992
Brenda Shaughnessy
- Justice Ameer
VII. Change
Anne Carson
- sam sax
This Place Rumord to Have Been Sodom
Robert Duncan
- H.D.
All the Dead Boys Look Like Me
Christopher Soto
- Ocean Vuong
Tim Dlugos
My Erotic Double
John Ashbery
- RK Fauth
- Federico García Lorca
elegy for kari edwards
Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Thom Gunn
The Lyric In A Time of War
Eloise Klein Healy
Breakfast with Thom Gunn
Randall Mann
In Memory of Joe Brainard
Frank Bidart
James Schuyler
David Trinidad
- J. D. McClatchy
Robert Glück
- Eduardo C. Corral
Leo & Lance
Randall Mann
We’ve Always Been Here, Fighting
Christopher Soto
They Were Here
Allen Ellenzweig
Language Could Kill Us
Patrick Nathan
Crush Notes
Hugh Ryan
Casting Spells
Garrett Caples
The Gay Gospel of Aaron Smith
Jameson Fitzpatrick
Mourning in America
Tiana Reid
Zines From a Revolution
Michael Bronski
- Carl Phillips
I Hope I Haven’t Bored You
Christopher Spaide
Lady of the Moon
Gabrielle Bellot
Dear Sister Outsider
Lavelle Porter
- TC Tolbert
In Love With Queer Words
Sally Connolly