Basketball Poems
Poetry about great players, unusual teams, and flashy moves.
BY The Editors

These poems and articles showcase small-town MVPs, one-on-one games, good-natured underdogs, and the poetic elegance of the swish.
For The Love Of The Game
Slam, Dunk, & Hook
Yusef Komunyakaa
Up & dunk balls that exploded
The skullcap of hope & good
Intention.- B. H. Fairchild
at their backs. The ball turns in the darkening air.- Ray Fleming
with physiology or mysticism: only basketball.Makin’ Jump Shots
Michael S. Harper
and he laughs, stepping
to a silent beat, gliding
The Glory Days
Ex-Basketball Player
John Updike
As a gag, he dribbles an inner tube,
But most of us remember anyway.- William Belvin
And found in time the scramble and the rules
DoubtfulThe Unsung Song of Harry Duffy
G. E. Murray
You played solitary ballFall River
David Rivard
and asked about the year he’d made all-state guard—
point man, ball-hawk, pacer.
Underdogs & Unlikely Players
Samiya Bashir
to the final four. unlikely underdogs. spectators turned
to suspect sport. anti-athletes. out of shape beyond reason.Courtesy
David Ferry
And the voice of the young man, carefully playing the game- Mary Karr
were giant angels who set us running drills, at which
we sucked.- William Matthews
On Robert Hass’s “Dragonflies Mating”
Dan Chiasson
First Loves
Major Jackson
- John Wooden
Wanda Coleman
Inside Game
The Editors
Strangers in the Nest
Anselm Berrigan