Poems of Jewish Faith and Culture
From holiday poems to quiet spiritual reflections, these poems and articles celebrate the interweaving of Jewish faith, cultural traditions, and literary history.
BY The Editors

Prayers & Songs
Hymns, blessings, and invocations to read alongside scripture and traditional prayers.
Open the Gates
Swift to Thy sons who are lovely and pure.- Jessica Greenbaum
- Yitzhak Luria
to the Ancient of Days
to summon His will
to drive them away—To Him Who Is Feared
Eleazar ben Kalir
And multitudes too may whisper His lays.His Sovereignty
Kalonymos ben Moses of Lucca
Holy—He pardons them whose longing turns to Him.You and I
Stanley Moss
and I am a particle. Who should have mercy
on a particle if not the All?In the Days of Awe
Robin Becker
- Ya'akov Hakohen
renew my dispensation, and grant me length of days.
On Faith & Scripture
Often deep in dialogue with holy scripture, these poems update Judaism for contemporary culture on many continents.
Book of Isaiah, Part I
Anne Carson
New contract! said God.At the Threshold of the Book
Edmond Jabès
Linda Pastan
of the Old Testament
into the lightning
of the New.Inscriptions, 16: "The lamps are burning in the synagogue"
Charles Reznikoff
and look out upon eternity a while- Bev Yockelson
Culture & History
Food, family, community, exile, and struggle through the long lens of Jewish history.
- And I wasn’t one of the six hundred thousand who went out of Egypt.
I came to the Promised Land by sea. In the Jewish Synagogue at Newport
Emma Lazarus
All found their comfort in the holy placeThe Jewish Cemetery at Newport
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Walked with them through the world where’er they went- John Repp
at me, said You can't be a goy.New Netherland, 1654
Grace Schulman
men, women, a baby born at sea.- Patty Seyburn
in the casket
Articles & Blog Posts
On Jewish religious, cultural, and literary tradition.
- Peter Cole
Hungary: Don't Look Away
Forrest Gander
"If the Psalms Aren’t Poetry, They’re Useless"
Peter O’Leary
Oh, Kwame Dawes, I was Just Thinking About You
Rachel Zucker
- Kazim Ali
More Poets Of Jewish Experience
For further reading, browse the biographies and bibliographies of poets who write about Jewish faith and culture