Walt Whitman at 200
Celebrating America's groundbreaking poet and his legacy.
BY The Editors

Though not widely known or celebrated in his lifetime, Walt Whitman (1819–1892) is often thought of now as the United States’ great poet-philosopher and poet of the people—a humanitarian, a poetic genius, and a latter-day successor to Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Shakespeare. In his central book of poetry, Leaves of Grass, he celebrated democracy, nature, love, sexual liberation, and friendship. This expansive work chanted praises to the body as well as to the soul, championed American individuality and the power of the collective, and found beauty and reassurance in life as well as in death.
When Whitman was writing poems, from the 1850s until his death in the 1890s, most American poetry sounded like its British counterpart. In the United States, the popular Fireside poets, such as Longfellow and Whittier, were known for metered and rhymed poems in an elevated diction, reminiscent of a Victorian style. Whitman wanted to create an original, distinctly American form and style that would better embody the American voice, identity, and ethos. Many of his poetic ideas, which have influenced generations of poets, were articulated in his famous preface to Leaves of Grass.
Although Whitman’s poetry did not garner popular attention from his American readership during his lifetime, more than 1,000 people attended his funeral. Whitman was the first writer of a truly American poetry, and his legacy endures. Readers now often discover his remarkable empathy, acceptance, and compassion for others; his positivity and belief in American representative democracy; and the singularity of his genius and redemptive vision.
We’ve compiled this selection of his poems to mark the 200th anniversary of Whitman’s birthday, as well as articles, audio recordings, and videos about Whitman’s poetry. Read our Walt Whitman biography and read more of his poetry.
I Sing the Body Electric
Walt Whitman
Song of Myself (1892 version)
Walt Whitman
When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer
Walt Whitman
O Captain! My Captain!
Walt Whitman
I Hear America Singing
Walt Whitman
I Saw in Louisiana A Live-Oak Growing
Walt Whitman
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
Walt Whitman
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
Walt Whitman
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d
Walt Whitman
A Noiseless Patient Spider
Walt Whitman
Beat! Beat! Drums!
Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman 101
Benjamin Voigt
Leaves of Glass
Kera Bolonik
Singing Whitman
Emily Warn
Walt Whitman: “A Passage to India”
Robin Ekiss
Walt Whitman: “Time to Come”
David Baker
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
Edward Hirsch
For the Sake of People’s Poetry
June Jordan
Making the Words Ours
Kathleen Rooney
Whitman Really Slept Here
Rachel Aviv
- Harriet Monroe
Sleep as Resistance
Siobhan Phillips
- Tom Sleigh
- Martín Espada
A Supermarket in California
Allen Ginsberg
- Ronald Johnson
Walt Whitman at Bear Mountain
Louis Simpson
A Poem Beginning with a Line by Pindar
Robert Duncan
Whitman's Pantry
T. R. Hummer
- Campbell McGrath
- John Hodgen