Alliterative Verse / Avant-Garde
A conversation among Old English, Middle English, and contemporary poems

This collection of poetry, curated by Eric Weiskott, surveys Old and Middle English poetry by comparison to contemporary poems that explore similar sounds and formal techniques. In his introduction, Weiskott writes,
The connection between alliterative verse and contemporary poetry is not a matter of sourcing. It is not that contemporary poets thrill to the subtleties of Winner and Waster, an alliterative poem from the 1350s. Instead, the two bodies of poetry belong together because, for 21st-century readers, they both push the envelope of what poetry can be and do. [...] The 20th- and 21st-century poems in this collection broach a transtemporal communication through which readers can receive “a modern letter sent from antiquity” (Willis, “Tiptoe Lightning”). Certain time-bending passages in St. Erkenwald and other alliterative poems anticipate the linkage, as if these distant poems were expecting us all along.
Alliterative Verse / Avant-Garde
Eric Weiskott
In Strength Sweetness
Elizabeth Willis
A Bird in Bishopswood
John Tickhill
John Tickhill: “A Bird in Bishopswood”
Eric Weiskott
Caedmon's Hymn
Dear Poet
Prageeta Sharma
My Own Subjectivity Bothers Me
Prageeta Sharma
Wulf and Eadwacer
Ego Dormio: [All perishes and passes]
Richard Rolle
The Wanderer
Dream of the Rood
what if
Claudia Rankine
Piers Plowman: Prologue
William Langland
Piers Plowman: Passus 6
William Langland
Wynnere and Wastoure
Tiptoe Lightning
Elizabeth Willis
Saint Erkenwald
Piers Plowman: Passus 18
William Langland
- Ai
- Refer to the section on Grendel's fight with Beowulf, which, in this translation, begins with "THEN from the moorland, by misty crags, / with God’s wrath laden, Grendel came."
The Conflict of Wit and Will
- Content Warning: Offensive language, including anti-Semitism
Paradoxes and Oxymorons
John Ashbery
The Ireland Prophecy
Charm Against a Wen
Sarah Westcott
A Maiden
Elizabeth Willis
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Gawain Poet