The Chicago 77


Diagonal photograph of wall covered in various pieces of paper. The papers each contain graphics paired with words and are political.


Commissioned by the Poetry Foundation, The Chicago 77 is a 77-line poem comprised of found text and objects from each of Chicago’s 77 community areas. The piece was created by poets and artists Fatimah Asghar, Krista Franklin, Fo Wilson, and Jamila Woods. The completed poem has been calligraphed by Liz Isakson-Dado in a single edition on paper made by artists Margaret Mahan and Drew Matott.


Join us for tabletop games, video screenings, music, and refreshments at the First Friday gallery reception for The Chicago 77 exhibition on May 1 from 6 – 9 PM.

View photographs of the exhibit installation on our Tumblr.

Exhibit Hours 

Monday — Friday, 11 AM — 4 PM
Saturday, May 2, 7 PM
Saturday, May 9, 2 PM
During any of our evening events
