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Poetry Mixtape Volume VI

Originally Published: March 27, 2015

Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta is an artist & casual historian living in San Francisco. Their first chapbook, PDF, was published by Solar Luxuriance in 2014. With Elana Chavez, they organize the Cantíl Reading Series, a decolonized safe space provided for emerging poets of color; &, with Carla Orendorff & Matt Weathers, are a founding member of strictlyyouth, a punk dance performance collective. Tatiana has taught filmmaking & movement to children and grown up anarchists alike.

It is entirely due to Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta that I saw eleven gray whales during the month of January. For this, I am forever in her debt.

~~~~~~~~~~~POETRY MIXTAPE BY TATI~~~~~~~~~
(click images to EXPAND)


1. from LA Paradise by Alix Vollum
alix vollum, from LA PARADISE

2. The Fragility of We (excerpt) by Maya Weeks
maya weeks, from _the fragility of we_

3. from Music for Porn by Rob Halpern rob halpern, from music for porn

4. Yvonne Rainer, still from Privilege yvonne rainer, video still from privilege (i think_ i could be wrong)

5. Untitled by Oki Sogumi from LIES Journal - vol I sogumi, (untitled), from lies vol.1

6. Eviction by Rafael Alberti rafael alberti, _eviction_, from concerning the angels

7. One Hot Day After Another by Lucy Blagg lucy blagg, _One hot day after another_


1. Rimbaud by Kathy Acker kathy acker, from rimbaud, which is from in memoriam to memory

2. Delicious Cyst by Aurora Linnea aurora linnea, _delicious cyst_, from this mutilated woman's head

3. from Way by Leslie Scalapino leslie scalapino, from way

4. You by Ariana Reines ariana reines, _you_, from mercury

5. The Rival by Sylvia Plath sylvia plath, _the rival_, brackets my own

6. from Anger by Robert Creeley robert creeley, from _anger_

7. Sappho sappho, n sure of title, handwriting on right n my own

Elaine Kahn is the author of Romance or The End (Soft Skull, 2020) and Women in Public (City Lights,…

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