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Originally Published: April 13, 2015Six Ridic Parts of Douglas Messerli's Review of Baraka's New Selected
- The part where he contrasts Baraka's "self-doubt and humility" (good poems) with his "anger" (bad poems).
- The part where Messerli cares more about the fact that Baraka published a bunch of white poets than he does about Baraka's own writing.
- The part where he says Pound is more important to poetry than Baraka is.
- The part where "One certainly might understand some of his anger."
- The 20 percent or so of the review where the reviewer just writes about himself.
- The part that is the whole.
Sophia Le Fraga is the author of literallydead (Spork Press, 2015), I RL, YOU RL (minutesBOOKS, 2013...
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