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Six Ridic Parts of Douglas Messerli's Review of Baraka's New Selected

Originally Published: April 13, 2015

Amiri Baraka

  1. The part where he contrasts Baraka's "self-doubt and humility" (good poems) with his "anger" (bad poems).
  2. The part where Messerli cares more about the fact that Baraka published a bunch of white poets than he does about Baraka's own writing.
  3. The part where he says Pound is more important to poetry than Baraka is.
  4. The part where "One certainly might understand some of his anger."
  5. The 20 percent or so of the review where the reviewer just writes about himself.
  6. The part that is the whole.

Sophia Le Fraga is the author of literallydead (Spork Press, 2015), I RL, YOU RL (minutesBOOKS, 2013...

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