Celebrate the 2nd Annual Chicago Poetry Block Party
A festival of poetry, music, art, and community

CHICAGO – On Saturday, July 29, the Poetry Foundation, Crescendo Literary, and the National Museum of Mexican Art will present the 2nd Annual Chicago Poetry Block Party, a unique poetry-based festival that features writing workshops, games, face painting, a dance party, and some of the finest literary and music talent in the city. Between 2:00 and 9:00 PM on 19th Street and Wolcott Avenue, guests of all ages can join in the fun.
The Chicago Poetry Block Party features musical performances from The Happiness Club, Chicago Mariachi Project, Kaina, Jarochicanos, and Akenya. Poets from across the US will perform their work, and an open mic will provide a chance for the audience to take the stage.
The Chicago Poetry Block Party is the culmination of a poetry incubator that runs from July 26–28 and is presented by the Poetry Foundation and Crescendo Literary. Over the course of three days of workshops and talks, the Incubator brings together a group of emerging poets from around the country who engage with community through their poetry. Faculty poets Natalie Diaz and Luis Rodriguez share their expertise by teaching incubator participants to enhance their poetic practices and community work.
“The Chicago Poetry Block Party brings poetry onto the streets, a great place to experience the immediacy and vibrancy of the art form,” said Henry Bienen, president of the Poetry Foundation. “This event creates a space for connection between poets, artists, and families to celebrate and create together.”
“The Poetry Block Party offers something for everyone," Eve Ewing, director of Crescendo Literary, said. "From workshops to live performances, this will be a special day for poetry lovers and poetry newbies alike.”
Carlos Tortolero, president of the National Museum of Mexican Art, added, “We're very excited to be partnering with such wonderful organizations. The National Museum of Mexican Art has a long tradition of presenting the poetry of writers from both Mexico and the US. We are pleased to be part of this initiative."
About the Poetry Foundation
The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience. The Poetry Foundation seeks to be a leader in shaping a receptive climate for poetry by developing new audiences, creating new avenues for delivery, and encouraging new kinds of poetry through innovative literary prizes and programs. For more information, please visit poetryfoundation.org.
About Crescendo Literary
A collaboration between poets Eve Ewing and Nate Marshall, Crescendo Literary creates and curates events, works of art, and educational resources grounded in the belief that 1) artists can, should, and must be accountable to the communities from which they emerge, and 2) communities, in turn, are strengthened by the meaningful presence of excellent art. For more information, please visit crescendoliterary.com.
About the National Museum of Mexican Art
The National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago showcases 3,000 years of creativity from both sides of the Mexican border, connecting visitors to the diversity of Mexican art and culture. Works from the museum’s 10,000-piece permanent collection are exhibited in four welcoming bilingual galleries, and the museum’s location in the vibrant Pilsen neighborhood allows for a total immersion in the richness of Mexico’s culture. Admission is always free at the National Museum of Mexican Art, the first nationally accredited Latino museum in the US. For more information, please visit NationalMuseumofMexicanArt.org.
Media contacts:
Elizabeth Burke-Dain, Director, Marketing and Media
[email protected], 312.799.8016
Amy Christenson, Media Relations Associate
[email protected], 312.209.9531
For questions about participating in the Poetry Incubator and the Chicago Poetry Block Party, contact:
Ydalmi Noriega, [email protected], 312.799.8008
Follow the Poetry Foundation and Poetry on Facebook at facebook.com/poetryfoundation or on Twitter @PoetryFound.
POETRY FOUNDATION | 61 West Superior Street | Chicago, IL 60654 | 312.787.7070