
“Books Every Poet should Read (But Probably Hasn’t).”

Originally Published: March 02, 2007

Recommended reading from the editors on the AWP panel “Books Every Poet should Read (But Probably Hasn’t).”

1. Michael Wiegers, Editor, Copper Canyon Press
So Many Books by Gabriel Zaid
ABC of Reading by Ezra Pound
Classics Revisited by Kenneth Rexroth
Adagia by Wallace Stevens
Letter to an Am Imaginary Friend by Thomas McGrath
Note from a Bottle Found on a Beach in Caramel by Evan S. Connell
Compass Flower by Evan S. Connell
Poetics of Work by Juan Ramon Jimenez
Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You by Frank Stanford
Dance Writings by Edwin Denby
Pictures of Nothing by Kurt Varnedoe
2. Jeffrey Shotts, Poetry Editor
The less well-known work of (World War II poems) by William Stafford
Collected Poems by Lynda Hull
Letters to a Stranger by Thomas James
Dark Horse Anthology by Kevin Prufer
Collected Poems by Lorine Niedecker
3. Matthew Zapruder, Editor, Wave Books
MZ by Yannos Ritsos
Exile and Return by Yannos Ritsos
Drowning with Others by James Dickey
For Love by Robert Creeley
4. Joshua Beckman, Editor, Wave Books
Emily Dickinson’s notebooks
5. Matvei Yankelvich, Editor, Ugly Duckling Presse
T.A.Z by Hakim Bey
Tent Post by Henri Michaux
Stroke by Stroke by Henri Michaux
The Great American Novel by William Carlos Williams
Collected Poems by Laura Riding

Emily Warn was born in San Francisco and grew up in California and Detroit. She earned degrees from ...

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