
Open Thread #1: Art & Commerce

Originally Published: April 20, 2007

Kenneth sed: (referring to this post)
Kwame, It's clear to me why you feel the way you do: you're getting paid to blog here. As Brian Eno says, "Art is everything we don't need to do." Blogging here is something you must do (at least for three months), hence it ain't art. -- Kenneth
Kwame sez:
Kenneth, you have to be wrong, I think. The day getting paid for art someone disqualified art is the day we will have to dismiss most of the great works of art of western civilization. Anyway, I am not blogging for the money--let's not forget, the amount can't come even close to the word count of my obsessive output. Not sure about you, but I NEED to do art.
Eno is wrong, even if he is clever and even if his work on Paul Simon's new album was a touch of brilliance that has given Simon yet another life. He is wrong about art if that is what he really thinks about art. After all, by that definition, spitting on the sidewalk or pissing in public would be art. You see the problem?
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Kenneth Goldsmith's writing has been called some of the most "exhaustive and beautiful collage work …

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