Originally Published: December 06, 2007What's In & What's Out -2008 (Part I)
I love year-ending "What's In & What's Out" lists for the upcoming year. They are authoritative, self-generating, biased, and goofy. I thought I'd get a head-start on the pundits. The list kept going, so I'll post over a few days. I hope you enjoy. With consultation from some friends, here is the start of a provocative list, sure to test the province of good taste, augury, and judgment.
If this is not entertaining, check out the Luther Vandross Estate Auction.
Major Jackson’s
What’s In and What’s Out
For 2008
OUT Dog sweaters Tell Me You Love Me American Gangsta Slouchy Boots Down-sizing Mary J. Blige Terrence Howard Amy Winehouse Chem-lab cuisine Hi-Wattage Hateration The Grinch Bubble Tea Dessert Trent Lott Pentagon Called to Duty Robert De Niro Bob Hairstyle Lounge bars EPC at SUNY-Buffalo Omnivores Wicca Knicks Disney Balvenie Bunny Grahams Metrosexuals Messy Ziggy Stardust Manhattan Fake intimacy Celebrity misdemeanors/felonies Baby doll dresses Hot tubs Frank Gehry New Formalists Staking Claims Lawrence Summers Robots Procedural Art Cate Blanchett Infidelity Thongs Ron Silliman’s Blog Cynicism Vodka Gimlets Cesaria Evora Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Car-racing The Gypsy Kings Dating Tips Rosie Jetson Malls Ottava Rima Jim Behrle cartoons Speed-dating Ideology Light up reindeer Diddy Skin Crème Reese Witherspoon Cockiness Modest Mouse PDAs Rolex Bachelor Party Ordinary Shares Cyber-bullying Regret Organ Theft Martin Luther Billy Graham Brooklyn Villanelles Having your fingers on the pulse of a dead man Snowshoeing Bi-polar George W. Bush Philosophy for Dummies SMS M300 cellphone watch Mindlessness Texting “Love after Love” Cruelty Fundamentalism Nooses Camden, NJ Subjectivity Hank Aaron Diversity Gertrude Stein Ice skating Miami Forgetfulness Connecting mega-churches Alaska Kobe Bryant “Hedwig & The Angry Inch” Selected Poems Reginald Shepherd’s Blog Miami Dolphins Genocide |
IN Wigs for Dogs The Wire The Great Debaters Flat boots Upgrade You Alicia Keys Terrance Hayes Corinne Bailey Rae Fresh pasta, fruit, fish & vegetables Eco-bulbs Hateration Annie Finch Honey-dew Dessert Barack Obama Peace Centers Bringing troops home Robert Hass Pob Hairstyle Neighborhood bars PennSound at Univ. of Pennsylvania Smart Diners Wikimedia Nikons Knicks Pixar Laphroaig Jorie Graham Rusticsexuals Decorous Slavoj Zizek Brooklyn Closeness Long-term celebrity causes/charities Diane von Furstenberg wrap-around dresses Space Pools Frank Bidart New Athenians Innuendo Drew Gilpin Faust Humans Communal Art Cate Marvin Monogamy Boy briefs Reginald Shepherd’s Blog Sentimentality Chocolate Martinis Virginia Rodrigues Mahmoud Darwish Robot-racing Pink Martini Confidantes Twendy-One Boutiques Rime royal Linh Dinh mini-movies match.com Freedom Inflatable Santa Kanye Skin Caviar Spencer Reese Charm The National Leather-bound Calendar/Planner Audemars Piguet Wedding Day Don Share Deep, Molten Kisses Embracing Imperfections Organ Watch Martin Buber T.D. Jakes Philadelphia Ghazals Mind-spooning Snowrunning Borderline personality disorder Democratic Presidential candidates The Simpsons and Philosophy Hyundai W-100 Watch Phone Mindfulness Drop-bys “you who never arrived” Kindness Spirituality Love Duluth, MN Identity Barry Bonds Inclusion Gjertrud Schnackenberg Ice kiting Fire Island Remembrance Being totally unrelatable personal shrines Greenland Lebron James “Shortbus” Collected Poems Tayari Jones’s Blog New England Patriots Tolerance |
Major Jackson is the author of six books of poetry, including Razzle Dazzle: New & Selected Poems (Blue...
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