Inseparable by Lewis Warsh, Granary Books, 2008
Despite that Lewis Warsh is most closely associated with the community of writers who met at St. Marks Church on the Bowery from the late 70’s through the 90’s, his influence has been felt nationally and internationally.
He founded the signal United Artists Magazine and co-edited Angel Hair and United Artists, he curated reading series, he published books of poetry and prose, he became involved with translation through Wang Ping whose work he helped bring into lively English (and with whom he co-translated numerous Tibetan and Chinese poets). His own work is rammed with life, deceptively casual, and psychologically acute. He can swerve from irony to Eros or from prose passages to precisely enjambed lyric with improvisatory slacker-dexterity. With his keenly urban eye, he’s one of the terrific poets of New York. His newest book is Inseparable
(Granary Books, 2008).
A writer and translator with degrees in geology and literature, Forrest Gander was born in California...
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