Poetry News

Prezi as a tool for visual poetry?

Originally Published: February 07, 2011

It seems only fitting to honor a writing conference with writing formatted to that classic conference tool: the slideshow. Fortunately, when Natasa Bozic Grojic was putting together Stop Drilling, she didn't resort to the static, dry PowerPoint (although that would have been an excellent way to illustrate the monotony of listening to your neighbor drill constantly for hours). According to a brief interview with The Carpetbag, taking Stop Drilling into Prezi was the result of the poem taking on a life of its own: "The poem got completely out of control. It rebelled on me and decided to turn itself into something completely different."

Grojic has since experimented with a couple more Prezi poems, but there's still a lot more room for poets who want to work with text and visualization. Way back in 2009, The Missouri Review spotlighted Prezi as a potential playground for concrete poetry but noted they had yet to come across any poems on the platform.