Poetry News

Ever wonder about Ecopoetics?

Originally Published: May 08, 2012

Jonathan Skinner has been thinking about ecopoetics for quite awhile, and we think it's about time our Harriet readers start to as well (if they haven't been already). If you're unfamiliar with ecopoetics and happen to find yourself in Berkeley, CA toward the end of February 2013, go ahead and check out this conference. Or for budding eco-poets and eco-scholars, submit! The deets:

Call for Papers: Conference on Ecopoetics
February 22-24, 2013
University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
Contact and submissions e-mail: [email protected]
Deadline for panel and individual paper proposals: October 1, 2012

Ground aplenty shall be covered:

We invite panel proposals or individual paper proposals that examine the various relationships—historical, material, aesthetic, activist—between poetry, poetics, and ecology. Possible topics include: ecological genres: pastoral, georgic, elegy, documentary; formal innovations in ecopoetics: sound- and performance-based practices, concrete and minimalist ecopoetics, intermedia ecopoetics; biopoetics, biopolitics, and posthumanism; pataphysics, biosemiotics, and information theory; discourses of pollution, garbage, toxicity, unsustainability, apocalypse; evolution and extinction; queer ecology; cross-cultural, indigenous, mestizo, subaltern ecopoetics; climate change and geosystems; creaturely life, life forms, nonhumans; life and non-life; site-specific poetics, bioregionalisms, transregionalisms, poetry and “sustainability”; Romantic and post-Romantic ecopoetics; Modernist and postmodern ecopoetics; the affective and ethical turn in ecopoetics; surrealist, digital, and conceptual ecopoetics; ethnopoetics; environmental justice and environmental racism; precarity, the multitude; disaster capitalism, petrocapitalism, “green” capitalism, political ecology; violence and abjection; urban and exurban ecologies; ecopoetics and object-oriented ontology; avant-gardening; poetry, activism, revolution.

Do we like it? Yes, we do!!