Poetry News

Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, 1946-2012

Originally Published: September 13, 2012

We are terribly saddened by this sudden news of the passing of Russian poet, writer, translator, and lecturer Arkadii Dragomoshchenko—a great loss for poetry. For now, Charles Bernstein has written a bit about him at Jacket2:

It was with great sadness that I heard this heartbreaking news. From when I first met Arkadii in the 1980s, to his semester-long stay with his wife Xena in Buffalo in the early 1990s, to Susan, Felix and my visit to St. Petersburg in 2001, to his recent visit to New York and to Penn two years ago, I have felt a deep kinship with Arkadii, a poetic and personal affinity that goes beyond any national or linguistic borders. A great companion in life and poetry has left the earth but not the world.

ATD's death reported about three hours [ago] on Facebook by Alexander Skidan and Mikhail Iossel.

A very interesting piece about Dragomoshchenko's work and person through the lens of translation and the efforts of Lyn Hejinian, et al., is at the Dalkey Archive Context site, written by Evgeny Pavlov. More to come.